Young people in the child welfare system, most of whom have experienced trauma and frequent loss, have all the same capabilities as...
Investing in youth from an early age can be a slow and difficult process, but its benefits can be far-reaching, especially from...
Like it or not, cops in schools are here to stay. The question is: How do we do it right? An important...
What do you do when someone is obdurate and has no interest in taking responsibility or admitting any guilt at all?
The intriguing thing about human nature is that there is no one way to exist. Just recently, I was speaking with a...
Youth violence is pervasive and has serious consequences for teens’ health and well-being. Based on a recent Centers for Disease Control and...
What if every child had the knowledge that their talents were valuable? They would grow up confident in who they are. They...
There is a crisis of well-being in this country, and it’s felt most poignantly by our youth. One-third of high school students...
Here’s a question for you: Does a young person from Kansas deserve to be homeless more than a young person from California?...
Gang violence and expanding criminal networks have made El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala — an area of Central America known as the...
Violence perpetrated by youth continues to have far-reaching costs for society: It contributes to injury, community dysfunction, poor physical and mental health,...
When a young person experiences trauma, there is no single answer regarding how that experience may impact them in their later years....
The notion that a noble mission and a track record of good deeds can shield an organization and its brand from crisis...
For many years Indiana has been an extreme outlier when it comes to taking children from their families. Year after year, Indiana...
“Wait. What are we going to do?” The six 12- to 14-year-olds looked at each other as the skies opened up during...
The meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in June was, at minimum, riveting political theater, and potentially...
In recent decades, youth mentoring programs have grown exponentially in popularity and have received increasing support from both private and public sources...
Most folks know of Margaret Mead's quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world ..."...
I’m in the business of playing a game with young people. Let me clarify that. I’m in the business of not only...
“As I think about the image that I see in the mirror, I will remember that does not reflect the person within....