When you are trying to make the shift to a restorative justice mindset, having even a few teachers, support personnel or administrators...
While many high school seniors receive acceptance letters from colleges across the country this spring, young people who have experienced foster care...
When I arrived in Oakland, Calif., to attend the Obama Foundation’s MBK Rising! convening in February, I was one of many community...
In light of high-stakes testing, children spend much of their in-school time listening to the teacher instruct whole group lessons and then...
With the advent of March For Our Lives and the success of pro-gun control candidates in the 2018 midterm elections, today’s gun...
Youth homelessness is a pervasive problem throughout the United States, and its rate has steadily risen over the years. According to the...
Having relationships with resourceful, knowledgeable individuals is important for the college success of young people with foster care histories. Put more simply,...
“I’m too busy to volunteer,” I mumble to myself, and I know I’ve given the stink-eye to those perpetually busy do-gooder women...
Civil legal aid services are a necessary tool in preventing and eliminating youth homelessness. Though most young people do not initially identify...
Philanthropic organizations and local government have been supporting nonprofit organizations that serve young people in my community for decades. We have dozens...
In this past year as a student activist for gun safety, I’ve learned that America’s gun problem is a multifaceted issue. Gun...
Six days. That’s how long it took lawmakers in New Zealand to ban military-style assault weapons following an attack in Christchurch that...
As youth welfare professionals we have all heard it, “I need to protect my children and not talk with them about their...
Walking back into my middle school classroom after being out the previous day at a training, I first noticed that the colorful...
Last November, I wrote a column for Youth Today about the alarming similarities between the Trump administration policy of tearing apart families...
I began my research program on gun violence prevention in the early 1970s, when my children were just starting school. Now I...
I love working with kids and supporting the people who work with kids. If you are reading this, you probably do too....
Instead of teaching students the content we think they should know, what if students chose the content based on their passions and...
Advocates often urge the dismantling of the school-to-prison pipeline. But for many of our youth, prisons are already their schools. In 1954,...
With the release of President Donald Trump’s budget, summer program and after-school advocates around the country are again gearing up to rally...