Following a year when it was hard to see much that Washington could agree on, in December Congress passed and the president...
Well, yes. By now, just about everyone must have read some version of the hype and hysteria around the fact that, thanks...
Communities of color continue to be disproportionately impacted by gun violence across the United States. Unfortunately, communities that are most impacted by...
Right now I’m almost sure that there is a 14- or 15-year-old crying from inside a jail cell at the Cook County...
All over America, there are people who can’t stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some always knew their jobs carried risks: Doctors...
In the wake of highly publicized and tragic mass shootings at schools, jurisdictions across the country have responded with a flood of...
Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. Despite the effects of COVID-19, we are still a hard-working team and want you...
Do you work with youth after school? Across our nation, there’s a growing concern about the rise in commercial sexual exploitation of...
For a child, separation from a parent — even one who may have been neglectful or abusive — can be very traumatic....
Concentrated gun violence results in lost population and economic power, increases trauma throughout communities and depresses school outcomes among students exposed to...
“Gay kids in a shelter that is predominantly straight are very vulnerable, they’re in a very hard position and it makes it...
I am 20 years old. I was a foster kid for the majority of my life. CYFD (New Mexico Children, Youth &...
Many students are challenged with stress, anxiety and low self-esteem today and do not have the tools or strategies to combat this....
Gun violence in the United States has rapidly become a problem that has touched the lives of millions of people. Whether directly...
As a young person who was in foster care as a teenager, I have come to realize that there are many misconceptions...
Youth who enter the foster care system in New Mexico and nationally tend to be between the ages of 1 and 10...
With Family First Act implementation underway, editorials and articles proliferate, many articulating nervousness among residential providers. With their revenue models under attack,...
Last week, a committee of the Idaho Legislature did something that, in the politics of child welfare, is revolutionary. The committee took...
On a sunny afternoon in 2006, I was driving my four sons to a cookout in Newark, N.J., my hometown. We had...
From training to practicing to now teaching, one of the key factors in psychotherapy that continually surfaces is countertransference (sorry self-care), which...