Even as we finally come to grips with the racial bias that permeates so many aspects of American life, some people in...
Three months ago, the entire nation was rocked by the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. In the weeks since his...
As schools begin to open back up, many young people and their families are facing the unexpected. Understandably, they have questions about...
SERIES: PART 5 OF 7 Part 1: How Do We Make Youth Homelessness Effort Bipartisan? Part 2: America’s Biases Marginalize Youth, Drive Them to...
Let’s start with what we know to be true: Youth have expertise, wisdom and unique skill sets. Professional researchers and evaluators can...
We are moving through historic times as our families and communities are impacted by two pandemics: COVID-19 and systemic racism. In order...
As the country battles another recession brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment numbers soar. With more than 30 million people not...
We described in the previous column how the approach is four-tiered, beginning with collaboration. Collaboration is a term that has been bantered...
The phrase “peer on peer child sexual abuse” is well known. It implies an exploitative sexual relationship of one minor by another....
In the past few months, rapid shifts to online and remote learning have taken place across schools and out-of-school programs in response...
Sunday marks the 30-year anniversary of the passing of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The ADA is a piece of civil rights...
While COVID-19 has consumed almost every part of the lives of most Americans for more than two months, the uncertainties, anxieties and...
Judge Teske first used collective decision-making beginning in 2003 to reform his local juvenile justice system, which has netted an 80% decline...
For decades, summer learning loss, also known as summer slide, has been a significant issue, particularly for low-income students. A new study by...
With gyms and sports centers in many places being closed off to the public, it made me wonder how young people in...
Youth in foster care experience significant barriers as it relates to their physical, mental and emotional well-being. The impact of these barriers...
Social psychology has found that someone may decide someone else's behavior has one of two causes: dispositional or situational. Dispositional attribution assigns...
In a remarkably short period of time, the COVID-19 pandemic has required us to change almost everything about how we live and...
4.2 million. That’s the number of homeless youths in America every year. This opinion piece is about the 4.2 million, how and why...
The spike in new COVID-19 cases here in the U.S. has some people on edge. The truth is that the majority of...