Several developments in the past few months have suddenly made it possible for any youth-serving nonprofit to quickly find out if any...
A spate of highly publicized child abductions and kidnappings over the summer spurred the Senate to pass legislation (S 2896) establishing a...
Foundations After only a few months with the Ypsilanti, Mich.-based High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Terry Langston got an offer he couldn’t refuse....
Portland, Ore.—Life for homeless teens here hasn’t been the same since the day a brawny bully dragged some scrawny youth agencies out...
Along the Dixie Highway in Louisville, Ky., thousands congregate at bingo halls for a chance at easy money. Players can win big...
Shhhhh. That’s the sound of juvenile justice advocates as they watch Congress tiptoe toward reauthorizing the nation’s juvenile justice programs, after seven...
Lihu’e, Hawaii—Anyone trying to escape from what counts as civilization in most of the United States these days would be hard-pressed to...
After watching the Boy Scouts come under attack for banning homosexual youth leaders, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) is fending...
Gun safety programs for children and youth – including those run by the National Rifle Association and the Brady Center to Prevent...
Latino youth are vastly undercounted in almost every state criminal justice system because of inadequate data collection and an absence of bilingual...
A roundup of people on the move in the field of youth work. Nonprofits American Humanics, the Kansas City, Mo- based group...
Tampa, Fla.—As tales of child abductions rivet the nation and prompt President Bush to convene a missing children’s conference next month, one...
After a couple of years in operation, the Workforce Investment Board’s youth council in Yakima, Wash., is missing just one thing: a...
A roundup of people on the move in the field of youth work. Nonprofits Sally Prouty begins her tenure this month as...
In 10 months in 1999, people in Houston found 13 abandoned infants – in trash bins, outside a hotel lobby or stashed under...
“Without a degree here,” says Kathie Carlson Tripp, leadership development executive for the YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee, “you hit a brick wall.”...
By Tim BurkeLeicester, England—As the youth work field in the United States struggles to develop quality staff training that is widely recognized...
Buddy the Foster Care Bear works the crowd like a pro. His birthday cake and balloons brighten the lobby of a Trenton,...
By Isabelle de PommereauFrankfurt, Germany—Here in Europe’s most multicultural city, youth work is administered in a way that would seem, well, foreign...
Minneapolis—In the late 1990s, Minneapolis faced a surprise dilemma: This heartland city had suddenly become the preferred U.S. destination for refugee families...