The CDC released reports analyzing survey results about risky youth behaviors, including having sex.
“Solitary confinement tried to break my soul," said Vidal Guzman Jr.
Microschools occupy a space between homeschooling and private schooling but can get public funding.
In Brazil, there appears to be broad support for holding social media platforms accountable.
Restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors went into effect in eight states this year.
Pandemic-fueled school interruptions have raised the stakes for kids learning to read.
The lack of volunteers strains the safety net that nonprofits provide to the vulnerable.
The emotional late-night hearing underlined the sustained anger by some Uvalde families.
It aims to increase child care access and improve the work life of caregivers.
Some schools have zero opportunities for afterschool learning, one tribal education director said.
Most of the victims were boys, who, as a group, outnumber incarcerated girls.
Rural communities have been particularly affected by social worker shortages.
"What we’re doing here?” a sheriff’s deputy asked his supervisor after a shelter call.
Approximately 245,000 children across the U.S. have lost one or both parents to COVID.
More than 150 Catholic priests and others sexually abused over 600 children.
Girls accounted for 31% of arrested youth in 2019, up from 18% in 1990.
“On the internet, it looks like a great place," said an attorney for Taylor's family.
State representatives voted 56-36 to override the governor's veto, but 63 votes were required.
The number of students at community colleges has fallen 37% since 2010.
The lawsuit alleges gross negligence for ignoring multiple warnings leading up to the shooting.