Program is much more than tournaments and trophies; it helps low-income youth get into college. When Eriberto Guzman decided in 2009 as...
When the time comes for Evan Forster to help young people who participate in the College Bound program at Chess-in-the-Schools to craft...
In its 2012 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration...
Why do so many of the nation’s foster care youth end up living on the streets as adults? Several experts weigh on...
The key is keeping the same boundaries as in the physical world, agencies say, but that gets trickier online. Although youth workers...
Youth-serving agencies have faced another electronic opportunity/challenge in the past half-decade that’s grown up right alongside social media: the burgeoning prevalence of...
From the The Indianapolis Star More than 100 Indiana children are receiving intensive mental health services under a new state program designed to...
UPDATE: The Henry & Rilla White Foundation, Inc. released a response to these reports, which can be found here: Letter to The Reader...
Massive cuts are expected for New Orleans’ Juvenile Court, with more than 30 employees expected to be removed from the city’s payroll in...
It’s first period, in late September, and students in the Foxfire Magazine class at Rabun County High School, in northeast Georgia, are doing what many...
Hundreds of thousands of people see inside the places and spaces where we lock up young members of our society. On any given day,...
The California Wellness Foundation has spent decades treating gun violence against youth as a public health issue. In doing so, the Foundation...
The national debate about gun-control laws was re-ignited following last week’s tragic Newtown, Conn. school shooting, with proponents of both sides taking...
This story was first published by CNN. Editor’s note: Former CNN correspondent Pat Etheridge is a journalist specializing in children’s health and family...
The Urban Institute held an event Dec. 13 in Washington, D.C. titled “Helping Depressed Low-Income Mothers Give Their Young Children a Good...
The details of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting are slowly coming to light, but a government document issued a decade ago...