Through PLAY, Laura and Isaac have staged four “Juvenile Justice Jeopardy” (JJJ) games at the Boys & Girls Club and at their...
In the wake of a series of cases in which young people lost their lives during fatal encounters with police, many young...
One in four children lived in a low-income working family in 2013, and nearly one in three lived in a house where...
The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) produced this report to comprehensively examine the anti-bullying policies of all 13,181 school districts...
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Economic Research Service uses census bureau data to analyze and explain the sharp rise in the prevalence...
The pull of crack cocaine, heroin or alcohol can drive the mortal into the abyss of addiction. So, what exactly does that...
In a major step, the U.S. Senate overhauled No Child Left Behind, passing a measure that would affect kids both in school...
Pushed by statewide after-school networks and some funders, the creation of standards is part of a broad movement toward making the quality...
Ellen Cool, board-certified music therapist, uses a drum response exercise when she's working with young students in recovery. “I haven’t met anyone...
“I wasn’t fighting with the insurance company” over the 30-day limit for her son's treatment, Missy Owen says. “We were following what...
Youth Today spoke to six young recovering alcoholics July 2 at the 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous in Atlanta.
Mason faces underlying and persistent tribulation most of his peers don’t: his citizenship status and the legal, financial and psychological barriers that...
This report authored by Human Rights Project for Girls, Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality and the Ms. Foundation for Women...
Even as Congress works on a replacement to No Child Left Behind, millions of dollars for after-school and other youth programs appear...
Since he was 16, Ivan Cabrera has been spending time at New Alternatives, a drop-in center for 16- to 24-year-olds who identify...
The kids don’t want to leave Paladin Career and Technical High School during spring break … for good reason. There’s nothing fun...
I took an interim position at Paladin Career and Technical High School as the executive director while the school board started a...
The bi-partisan advocacy organization, First Focus, presents a detailed overview of the latest data on federal spending on children and highlights a...
“I was living a secret life that was all about maintaining my addiction. It was miserable … and I lost everything.” These...
Roughly 100,000 kids are victims of sex trafficking in the United States, according to ECPAT-USA, a nonprofit that works to end commercial...