The Hearst FoundationsNew York(212) 586-5404 • Partnership for After School Education, New York, $80,000 for general support. • Zero to Three,...
Youth Today’s Jamaal Abdul-Alim reports on a U.S. Department of Education announcement that 12 national foundations have pledged to add $500 million...
Up to 10 winners, chosen in July, could provide sub-grants of at least $100,000 to nonprofits Fifteen of the 69 applicants vying...
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP), which houses the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention among other offices that support youth...
The watchword for this week is money, and lots of it. Agencies of the federal government this week and last released a...
Daniels Fund (303) 393-7220 • Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne,Wyo., $15,970 for a club meal and snack program. •...
Libraries, schools, community centers and other public buildings in rural and tribal areas could soon see faster Internet speeds thanks to 12...
Nonprofit professionals are bracing for a financially difficult 2010 with an anticipated rise in the demand for services amid a still-uncertain economy,...
A publication released last month by the Center for Law & Social Policy (CLASP), while making it a little easier to track...
What do student loans and early childhood learning have in common with health care? Everything, if congressional lawmakers successfully attach a student...
The Finance Project is out with another strategy brief on financing and sustaining youth programs – this time on preserving program quality...
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation(816) 932-1000 • Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, Palo Alto, Calif., $65,000 for a fellowship to advance pediatric...
New proposed rules implementing the Serve America Act – the law that reauthorized and expanded the Corporation for National and Community Service...
Snowy Washington weather delayed a Feb. 9 conference call to discuss the 2010 Social Innovation Fund, but the Corporation for National and...
Nonprofits and educators have until March 10 to influence the way the U.S. Department of Education (ED) structures an upcoming Full-Service Community...
Scott Bernard Peterson, president and founder of Global Youth Justice, reminds us in an e-mail that now is the time to register...
President Barack Obama will release the fiscal 2011 budget today that will include a three-year spending “freeze” on certain discretionary government programs,...
Ford FoundationNew York(212) 573-5000 •City Year, New York, $200,000 for partnership with Ford Foundation to promote and facilitate educational justice for...
The Seattle-based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced a $335 million investment in effective teaching projects and research, targeting four U.S....
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently invited proposals under the Communities Creating Healthy Environments (CCHE) program, which will provide grants of up...