The lower test scores show the long tail of pandemic learning loss.
Kansas law now mandates implementation of evidence-based reading science strategies to increase reading skills.
Selected individual essays below published with students’ permission. Read the complete story — How did students pitch themselves to colleges after last...
How students present themselves in their essays has become of even greater consequence.
Schools on average planned to spend 18% of the COVID aid package on facilities.
Tennessee joined eight other states in allowing school employees to carry guns on K-12 campuses.
These are the first criminal charges brought against law enforcement for school shooting response.
Most U.S. adolescents now live in a state with restricted or no abortion access.
Lessons and project-based topics include origins, traditions, leadership, and plant science within Indigenous communities.
Catholic leaders say they will explore “all legal options” moving forward.
Our states needs more legal oversight of public k-12 school and district enrollment policies.
And others long for what they could have accomplished with a H.S. diploma.
High school enrollment requirements for these students are arbitrary and unpredictable — with no oversight.
Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York are involved in investigations of Shrub Oak International School.
SEL is not a distraction from academics, but a tool that helps build relationships.
Banning tech that will become a critical part of life is the wrong answer for education
Hundreds of schools across New York City have instituted cell phone bans.
Math literacy is a requirement to earning a living wage in modern society.
Losing young faculty also undermines efforts to recruit more Black and Hispanic educators.
Homeschooled children lose the protection of mandatory reporters — teachers, counselors, coaches, nurses, bus drivers.