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Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation – Preventing Bullying and Increasing Equality in Sports

Subject: Youth Development | Deadline: Jun. 30, 2014

“The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Inc. is the world’s first foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying and funding those doing real-world work to stop it. We stand up against bullying regardless of to whom it happens. We support organizations and projects that help stop bullying, help those hurt by bullying and/or help increase equality and diversity in sports.”

Funder: The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation
Eligibility: To be considered for a grant from the Foundation in the U.S., you must be designated a 501c3 public charity.
Amount: “We generally prefer to make smaller, more frequent grants ($10,000 or less) but will consider all requests within our means and mission.”

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