► Reports

Condom Use and Consistency among Male Adolescents in the United States

Child Trends

Although seven out of 10 teen males used a condom the first time they had sex, only half used condoms consistently with their most recent partner, notes this fact sheet, which is based on an article with the same title written by Child Trends researchers for the October issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health. Researchers found that condom use and consistency are lowest among older teen males and those in longer-term relationships. Males who had received any sex education instruction – either abstinence- or contraception-based – had higher levels of condom use. However, 20 percent of males surveyed had not received any formal sexual education before their first sexual experience. The original study was based on reports of nearly 550 male teens who took part in the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth. Free, 3 pages. (202) 572-6000, www.childtrends.org/Files//Child_Trends-2008_10_30_FS_CondomUse.pdf .


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