Otto Bremer Foundation
St. Paul, Minn.
(651) 227-8036
• Parents United for Public Schools, St. Paul, $25,0000 general support.
• Seward Neighborhood Group, Minneapolis, $50,000 for the Youth First Initiative.
• Aurora St. Anthony Neighborhood Development Corp., St. Paul, $25,000 for civic engagement programs.
• Children’s Home Society and Family Services, St. Paul, $40,000 to integrate child and family support services.
• Girl Scouts, Bismarck, N.D., $51,800 for restructuring six councils.
• Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children, St. Paul, $40,000 to support the efforts of four local organizations serving youth.
• District 202, Minneapolis, $15,000 for outreach to homeless youth.
• Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin, Eau Claire, $10,000 for mentoring.
• Kinship of Aitkin County, Aitkin, Minn., $22,500 to expand a mentoring program.
• Family Networks, Minneapolis, $20,000 to support a therapeutic program that serves children at high risk for abuse.
• YWCA of Minneapolis, $30,000 for its Racial Justice program.
• YMCA of the St. Cloud Area, St. Cloud, Minn., $100,000 for a capital project.
• Minnesota Black Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, $20,000 to the Black Youth Apprenticeship program.
• Children’s Law Center of Minnesota, St. Paul, $40,000 for general support.
• Carrington Youth Center, Carrington, N.D., $82,500 for expansion of the facility.
• Indian Child Welfare Law Center, Minneapolis, $30,000 for advocacy and support efforts on behalf of American Indian families.
• Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest, Maplewood, Minn., $30,000 for general support.
• Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties, St. Paul, Minn., $17,000 to improve the quality of education received by immigrant youth in Minneapolis.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, N.J.
(888) 631-9989
• New Futures, Exeter, N.H., $150,000 for Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.
• County of Santa Cruz Probation Department, Calif., $150,000 for Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.
• Portland State University School of Social Work, Ore., $675,012 for Communities Helping Teens Overcome Drugs, Alcohol and Crime.
• United States Conference of Mayors, Washington, $81,050 to develop a healthy cities campaign to reduce childhood obesity.
• University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, $907,085 for technical assistance and direction for healthy eating research.
• Local Government Commission, Sacramento, Calif., $85,752 to develop local leaders to address healthy eating and active living issues.
• National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Washington, $95,899 for educating state leaders about healthy eating and active living issues.
• Advertising Council, New York, $144,940 to establish a public/private coalition for healthy children.
• Public Health Institute, Oakland, Calif., $154,875 to help frame environmental nutrition policy and the debate over soda sales in schools.
• University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Public Health Foundation, $215,718 for the Active Living by Design National Program Office.
• Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, $384,730 to develop and disseminate community approaches to healthy lifestyle promotion for children and families.
• University of Illinois at Chicago Health Research and Policy Centers, $855,541 for a study on how changes in school policies can improve efforts to address the issue of childhood obesity.
• National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, $705,679 to develop a set of measures to evaluate community-based childhood obesity prevention programs.
• College Entrance Examination Board, New York, $5.3 million for a national effort to attract young scholars to the field of public health.
Tow Foundation
Wilton, Conn.
(203) 761-6604
Note: All grantees are based in Connecticut unless otherwise noted.
• Child Guidance Center of Greater Bridgeport, $25,000 for a family mentoring and enrichment program for youth ages 9 to 13.
• The Children’s Center at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, Bedford Hills, N.Y., $40,000 for transportation and activities for the children of female inmates.
• Connecticut Renaissance, Bridgeport, $40,000 for a clinician to serve teens battling substance abuse and mental health problems.
• The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, $25,000 for its Janus House Center for Youth in Crisis.
• Danbury Regional Child Advocacy Center, $25,000 to provide weekly home visits and regular telephone contacts between professionals and low-income parents.
• Families in Crisis, Hartford, $30,000 for a caseworker to provide parenting classes for fathers ages 16 to 20.
• Family and Children’s Agency, Norwalk, $25,000 for outreach, mentoring and home visits to low-income pregnant women and new mothers.
• Capital Region Education Council, Hartford, $30,000 for a truancy court prevention project.
• Center for Children’s Advocacy, Hartford, $50,000 to support a legal advocacy project with the Hartford Juvenile Public Defender’s Office.
• Career Resources, Bridgeport, $27,000 for an entrepreneurship program for young women involved in an alternative incarceration program.
•Clifford W. Beers Guidance Clinic, New Haven, $35,000 for a clinician to provide therapeutic services for youth ages 8 to 18 with sexual behavior problems.
• Cornerstone Community Development Corp., Norwalk, $50,000 to support two cycles of faith-based, life skills and job readiness programming for teens.
• Kids in Crisis, Cos Cob, $20,000 for a social worker at the Teen House emergency shelter.
• Our Piece of the Pie, Hartford, $35,000 for a youth development specialist and three part-time “youth role models.”
• Youth Rights Media, New Haven, $40,000 for organizing and advocacy efforts aimed at reforming state juvenile justice policies and practices.
• Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, Bridgeport, $50,000 to promote juvenile justice reform.
The George Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114
• Temple University, Philadelphia, $120,000 for the Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education project.
• Civil Society Institute, Newton Centre, Mass., $300,000 for the Building Early Learning Systems in the States initiative.
• Advocates for Youth, Washington, $45,000 for general support.
• Center for Adolescent Health and the Law, Chapel Hill, N.C., $30,000 for general support.
• Rutgers University Foundation, New Brunswick, N.J., $85,000 for the Teen-to-Teen Sexuality Education Project.
• Council on Foundations, Washington, $39,500 for general support.
• Independent Sector, Washington, $12,500 for general support.
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
New York
(212) 288-8900
• Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, New York and Washington, $50,000 to develop communication projects between delinquent youth and state and county officials.
• New York State Afterschool Network, New York, $50,000 to develop policy briefs on creating a unified system of after-school services.
• Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, New York, $75,000 to advocate comprehensive sexuality education.
Jessie Ball DuPont Fund
Jacksonville, Fla.
(904) 353-0890
• Georgetown University, Washington, $260,000 to develop a Center for Juvenile Justice Reform and Systems Integration within its Public Policy Institute.
• Daniel Memorial, Jacksonville, Fla., $180,000 to support development and financial restructuring.
• Baptist Health, Jacksonville, Fla., $150,000 to support Tipping the Scale, a mentoring program for at-risk youth.
• National Council on Crime Delinquency, Oakland, Calif., $110,000 to support leadership transition planning.
• Junior Achievement of Florida’s First Coast, Jacksonville, Fla., $102,902 to support the Girls’ and Young Women’s Initiative.
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651
• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, $150,000 to support the Disconnected Youth initiative, which promotes alternative education and job training.
• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, $20,000 for capacity building.
• Afterschool Alliance, Washington, $1 million for general support for increasing access to after-school programs among underserved people.
• American Youth Policy Forum, Washington, $200,000 to promote effective policies that expand opportunities for dropouts.
• Aspen Institute, Washington, $50,000 for the Caring to Change project to increase nonprofit and foundation staff involvement in strategy development.
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $200,000 for federal budget advocacy for domestic programs.
• Council on Foundations, Washington, $55,000 for general support.
• Independent Sector, Washington, $200,000 for general support.
* Center for Community Change, Washington, $125,000 to research the history of community organizing.
* Center for Community Change, Washington, for the Education Project to assist community-driven school reform efforts.