
$3 million question: Do skills taught in schools really lead to success in life?

School skills research: Male teacher leans over table with 5 elementary students explaining a science windmill model.
Which skills taught in school relate to success as an adult? Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

This story first appeared at The 74, a nonprofit news site covering education. 

One of the challenges schools face is that there’s very little evidence directly connecting most pre-K-12 skills to measures of success in adulthood such as economic mobility. This means school and district leaders must rely on instinct and guesswork when faced with decisions about how much to prioritize teaching math (and which specific aspects), fostering students’ self-management abilities or developing teamwork skills.

Those guesses are surely correct at least sometimes. But what if they were right more often? Could it help schools put more students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds on a path to economic security?

Instead of relying on educators’ best guesses, research can tell if math, SEL and other pre-K-12 lessons really help students succeed in life.

To find potential answers to these questions, the Urban Institute, where I lead the Center on Education Data and Policy, recently launched the Student Upward Mobility Initiative. This year, we will invest $3 million in innovative research and development through our first request for proposals. The goal is to help educators understand which skills in schools are most strongly associated with long-term success, through research linking students’ competencies to upward mobility and by building new, easily collectable measures. An example of this could be a metric for career preparedness encompassing job-preparation and technical abilities.

It is important to first define how we view “mobility” through the context of this work, as we are using a broader conception of the term developed by the Urban Institute:

  • Economic success: When a person has adequate income and assets to support their and their family’s material well-being.
  • Power and autonomy: When a person has the ability to have control over their life, to make choices and to influence larger policies and actions that affect their future.
  • Dignity and belonging: When a person feels the respect, dignity and sense of belonging that comes from contributing to and being appreciated by people in their community.”

An example of the types of work that Urban institute seeks to fund is in the area of noncognitive factors such as teamwork, grit and communication, which have been identified as predictors of wages and other positive life outcomes. A potential project could link data on noncognitive factors in school-age students at many schools to adult economic outcomes and compare variations among schools against economic mobility.

A second objective is to expand the universe of mobility measurements. For example, research has demonstrated that a student’s percentage of friends with high socioeconomic status is a key correlate of upward mobility for people with lower socioeconomic status. A potential project under this RFP could develop a new measure of social capital that could be collected in PK-12 schools. A proposed study might consider how the measure works in rural versus urban areas, and how it should incorporate school and neighborhood segregation.

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Identifying the pre-K-12 skills that matter most for lifetime success takes a long time, between developing new measures, collecting data on them in schools, waiting many years for students to reach adulthood and connecting all the needed information. But the advantages to having this evidence are too great to ignore, and the current landscape is too bleak: Students who grow up in the poorest 20% of families have a 1 in 3 chance of remaining poor as adults.

[Related: Kindergarten math is often too basic. Here’s why that’s a problem]

Today, most schools largely rely on the same measures of student success they’ve used for decades, such as reading and math scores, attendance and graduation rates. If our initiative is successful, schools in 2034 will regularly measure a set of skills that drive economic mobility and consciously work to improve them. That could make a real difference helping all students thrive after graduation — and put more low-income students on a path to economic security.


Matt Chingos is vice president for education data and policy at the Urban Institute. He leads a team of scholars who undertake policy-relevant research on issues from prekindergarten through postsecondary education and create tools such as He leads a team of scholars who undertake policy-relevant research on issues from prekindergarten through postsecondary education and create tools such as Urban’s Education Data Portal

The 74 is a non-profit, independent news organization focused on education in America. Sign up for free newsletters from The 74 to get more like this in your inbox.

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