Contact our site licensing subscription team

Please use the email form below for your inquiries about our site licensing subscriptions or to request an invoice.

Site Licensing Tier, Pricing & Invoice Inquiries

Our site licensing subscription pricing uses a tiered system based on population size. Populations are determined by the number of employees or full-time enrolled students (FTE) in your organization. Our tiered pricing enables all communities — whether academic institutions, nonprofits, government institutes or corporations — to enjoy full access to all of our Youth Today website content at rates that are appropriate to their size.

Annual Tier Site License Subscription Prices

•  Tier One:  $500 for a population size up to 10,000

•  Tier Two:  $750 for a population size up to 25,000

•  Tier Three:  $1,000 for a population size of more than 25,000

New & Current Subscriber IP Address(es), Updates or Additions

If you have requested an invoice:
To activate your site license and network access we will need your network IP address or the range of IP addresses used by your network. To ensure you send us the correct IP address(es) please contact your network administrator to verify before sending to us.

Important — IP address format: We require your Internet Protocol version 4 address(es), generally referred to as IPv4. An example of a single IPv4 address is

If you are sending a range of IP addresses, please send us the complete whole number IP addresses for the first and last IP addresses of the range – no asterisk wildcards are allowed.

• Email your IP address(es) to with a copy of your invoice attached. Please use “NEW SUBSCRIBER IP ADDRESS(ES)” for the email subject line. Your access will be granted after your check payment has been received via regular mail.

For any changes to your existing site license subscription account’s IP address(es): Simply use the form below with “IP ADDRESS UPDATE” for the subject line. It is not necessary to fill in any information about tier levels.

Your inquiries and updates are important to us. Our site licensing subscription team will respond to you within two business days.

Note: We are closed for all major holidays and during the spring and winter academic holidays.

If you would prefer to email us directly, please send your questions to

Some of your questions may be answered here on our site licensing subscription information page.


Note to new and renewing subscribers:

Our subscription program is currently being restructured. Please return to this page after July 20 for more information.

Thank you for your patience and continued support of Youth Today.

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