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Education, human services and healthcare access program grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Education, Human Services, Healthcare, Homelessness, Food Security
Apr. 8, 2025 (LOI)  | May 8, 2025 (Application)

“The Fund makes community grants to 501(c)(3) organizations, with the goal of fostering healthy, independent, and sustainable lives. To that end, we support both life-changing efforts and immediate needs.

Education: The McGowan Fund focuses on innovative programs that show measurable improvement in addressing achievement gaps, improving teaching and learning, and reducing disparities among students. Areas of support in this initiative include: (1) Out-of-school Programs; (2) Charter, faith-based, and alternative schools; (3) Scholarships for high potential students in private education.

Human Services: The Fund focuses on projects that address basic human needs and stabilize individuals and families. Areas of support in this initiative include: (1) Stabilized Housing; (2) Food/Clothing Security; (3) Adult Education (e.g. ESL, Financial Literacy, GED Attainment); (4) Homelessness Remediation/Prevention.

Healthcare: Lack of healthcare can be a barrier to work, education, and a family’s mobility out of poverty. We fund programs that seek to remove this barrier by providing quality care to those who may not have other care options. Areas of support in this initiative include: (1) Primary Care; (2) Dental/Vision; (3) Mental Health Services; (4) Pharmacy.”

Funder: The William G. McGowan Charitable Fund
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations in certain areas of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania and Chicago.
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Related: Under­stand­ing aging out of fos­ter care

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