OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Problematic Sexual Behavior, Child Safety, Research
Deadline: Dec. 2, 2024
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is soliciting investigator-initiated research proposals to rigorously evaluate programs and policies for their impact on primary prevention of child sexual abuse (CSA) and/or problematic sexual behavior (PSB) among youth. Research funded under this announcement will strengthen the evidence base for primary prevention of CSA and PSB. Applicants must propose to rigorously evaluate a program or policy for primary prevention of CSA or PSB that addresses one of the following three research priorities:
(1) Programs or policies with potential for the primary prevention of CSA or PSB, with an emphasis on approaches addressing community, societal, or structural conditions;
(2) Programs or policies focused on primary prevention of CSA or PSB in digital spaces (e.g., downloading or possession of illegal images of children, non-consensual image sharing, use of digital spaces for commercial sexual exploitation or trafficking of children); or
(3) Organizational policy approaches focused on primary prevention of CSA or PSB in youth-serving organizations (e.g., community centers, youth development organizations, juvenile residential care facilities, faith-based organizations, group foster care).”
Funder: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, for profit organizations, small businesses, private institutions of higher education, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, city or township governments, county governments, state governments, special district governments, independent school districts, public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), Native American tribal governments (federally recognized), unrestricted, others.
Amount: Up to $400,000
Contact: Link →
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