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Grants to improve outcomes for youth victims of human trafficking

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Child/Youth Welfare, Child/Youth Victims, Victim Services, Human Trafficking
June 22, 2022

“This program intends to improve outcomes for children and youth who are victims of human trafficking by integrating human trafficking policy and programming at the state or tribal level and enhancing coordinated, multidisciplinary, and statewide approaches to serving trafficked youth. This solicitation has two categories.

The first category seeks applications for up to three state or tribal jurisdictions to identify the state or tribe’s greatest barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking and/or to investigating and prosecuting these cases, and to develop a statewide or tribal jurisdiction-wide strategy to address these challenges.

The second category seeks an applicant to provide training and technical assistance (TTA) that is tailored and specific to the sites funded under the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking program (both those that are currently funded and those that become funded during the duration of the TTA award), and to support states and tribes that are not currently funded under this program but are seeking to build their capacity to develop a statewide or tribal jurisdiction-wide strategy to address these challenges.”

Funder: Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (other than institutions of higher education), for profit organizations, small businesses, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized).
$1,000,000 – $1,500,000

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