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Inclusive Literacy Distance Learning Program Prize Grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: COVID19, Education, Literacy, Disadvantaged Youth, Distance Learning
June 27, 2021

“UNESCO has just opened its call for applications and encourages all champions in the field of literacy learning to apply for the prestigious UNESCO International Literacy Prizes. This is also a call for nomination entities to be ready to engage and nominate their favorite candidates from around the world.

Like every year, UNESCO rewards six individuals or organizations for their outstanding projects that promote literacy learning. This year the projects and programmes are requested to reflect the theme ‘Inclusive distance and digital literacy learning’.

The theme highlights innovative practices that literacy promoters have been initiating as a way to ensuring the continuity of literacy learning during the COVID-19 crisis. By finding solutions for continuing literacy learning for even the most vulnerable populations has made a difference during a critical time, where face-to-face teaching and learning is restricted. In line with the UNESCO Strategy for Youth and Adult Literacy, the focus is, but not limited to, literacy learning in a lifelong learning perspective. Throughout the pandemic, distance learning has shown many faces and been supported by high-, low- and no tech solutions as well as hybrid learning that combined face-to-face learning.”

Funder: UNESCO
“Governments, non-governmental organizations and individuals who promote literacy through projects and programmes are welcome to apply.”
Up to $30,000

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