From the Bureaus

Portrait Of Early COVID Period In New York, New Jersey



NEW YORK — When the COVID-19 pandemic first broke in New York City this spring, the most vulnerable populations were at the bottom of a long list of people who desperately needed help during the first few months of business and school closures, shortages of personal protective equipment, food and household necessities. 

New York Metro Bureau logoIncarcerated children in and around New York City were not at the top of anyone’s mind in those chaotic and fearful first few weeks. New York Bureau Chief Daryl Khan wanted to make sure there was some visual record of what was happening at juvenile detention centers in the area during this time. 

Juvenile justice was already an extremely difficult subject to photograph before COVID-19 — access is rare, and maintaining the anonymity of the kids and young adults themselves pose unique challenges. For over a month I worked to document detention, transition and aid facilities and programs in New York City as they worked tirelessly to keep incarcerated, homeless and at-risk youth safe from a virus that continues to kill more than 1,000 Americans every day.

Here are other articles on the nation’s youth-serving organizations’ responses to COVID-19.

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