OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: COVID-19, Food/Essentials Access, Mental Health, Healthcare, Housing/Shelter
Deadline: May 29, 2020
“Funders in the Greater Baltimore area are working together to streamline the application process for non-profit organizations seeking resources to support changes in operations and sustainability due to COVID-19. Baltimore’s Promise, a non-profit collective impact organization, is supporting the effort as the administrative backbone and primary point of contact for applicants. Understanding that the needs in our communities will continue to emerge and change and be influenced by public funding responses, as well as additional philanthropic investments, we are approaching our COVID-19 response through a lens of short-term, mid-term and long-term support. The priorities listed below are focused primarily on short-term immediate needs facing our communities.
Funding priorities are as follows:
- Access to Food – This funding can support efforts that address gaps in existing efforts to ensure vulnerable populations have access to healthy food.
- Access to Other Home Essentials (such as toiletries, diapers, cleaning supplies, non-prescription medications – This funding is especially for individuals who are unable to get to and/or pay for these necessities.
- Nonprofit Sustainability – In the short-term, we will only consider requests from non-profit organizations that are providing direct relief services who may also be experiencing difficulties paying staff, overhead, etc., due to loss of fee for service revenue or fundraising events. In other words, if your organization needs funding to maintain operations in order to provide COVID-19-related relief services, then your organization may make that request of this fund.
- Technology/Capacity of Non-Profits Who Support Those Affected by COVID-19 – This funding can support non-profit organizations to expand their technology capacity or other operational capacity to effectively serve those affected by COVID-19 while maintaining employee, volunteer and client safety.
- Mental Health and Community Coping – This funding can support efforts that address the emerging or increasing mental health or wellness needs resulting from increased stress over health concerns, job loss, managing increased household needs, prolonged isolation (especially for older adults), etc.
- Support for First Responders and Healthcare Workers – This funding can resource efforts that support individuals serving in these critical roles. This includes but is not limited to acquiring medical and personal protective equipment, temporary housing, childcare, and family support.
- Information Sharing and Credible Information Sources – This funding can support the packaging, marketing, and distribution of accurate information (from verified sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state government, and local governments) to provide credible information to vulnerable populations to (1) stem the spread of the virus and avoid overwhelming emergency departments and health care providers; and (2) help communities understand and cope with social distancing and stay-at-home policies.
- Access to Temporary Shelter – This funding can support efforts to ensure isolation, quarantine, and social distancing for individuals who would otherwise live in a congregate setting such as Single Room Occupancy Housing, Shelters, or Group Homes. Funds could support the cost of hotel rooms and associated supportive services; modifications necessary to enhance distancing; and additional staffing required to manage these programs.”
Funder: COVID-19 Response Funding Collaborative of Greater Baltimore
Eligibility: “Non-profit organizations. Funding is available through this application for organizations/activities serving one or more of the following jurisdictions: Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Carroll County, and Harford County.”
Amount: Up to $75,000
Contact: Link.
>>> CLICK HERE to see all of Youth Today’s GRANT LISTINGS
>>> CLICK HERE to see all of Youth Today’s COVID-19 GRANT LISTINGS