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Family Drug Court Program Grants

Subject: Child/Youth Health and Welfare, Parenting, Drug/Substance Abuse, Family Justice, Juvenile Justice
Deadline: May 29, 2019

“The Family Drug Court (FDC) Program will support three categories. Category 1: Enhancing Family Drug Courts that focus on the FDC as a mechanism to keep children at home/reducing removal/separation of children from parents and implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018; Category 2: Serving Veterans Through Family Drug Courts to assist family drug courts in efforts to provide substance-abusing veteran parents with support, treatment, and access to services that will protect children; reunite families when safe to do so; and, expedite permanency; and Category 3: Establishing New Family Drug Courts to support jurisdictions that are ready to implement a family drug court.”

Funder: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Eligibility: “Eligible applicants are limited to states, territories, State courts, local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior) acting on behalf of a single jurisdiction drug court. Faith and community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations (including tribal nonprofit and for-profit organizations), and institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education) are ineligible as applicants; however, OJJDP encourages these entities to partner with eligible applicants as a community provider of services, if applicable and appropriate.”
Amount: $350,000 – $750,000
Contact: Link. 

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