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Underserved Community Improvement and Education Grants (OR and WA)

Subject: Education, Community Development, Minority Youth, Youth Development, STEM
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2018

“Through our grant making program, our goal is to improve social and economic conditions and increase opportunities in traditionally under-served communities. Grants can be used for project costs, program costs, or operating support. Grants are made to non-profit organizations whose programs are consistent with BUFOR’s funding criteria and whose grant request fall in the area of education as detailed below.
Black United Fund’s education focus will support agencies and organizations that:
• help students have a successful high school and/or higher education completion;
• work to close the achievement gap;
• ensure access to education;
• introduce youth to science, technology, engineering, arts, math and the medical field (STEAM);
• guide youth toward improving academic work and responsible citizenship; and
• encourage a college going culture among young people.”

Funder: Black United Fund of Oregon
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status from the IRS which operate in Oregon and SW Washington.
Amount: Up to $5,000
Contact: Link. 

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