Subject: Family Planning, Research, Community Development
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2017
“Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) grants support collaborative research efforts between scientific researchers and community members to reduce disparities and achieve equity in family planning outcomes. The process of scientific inquiry is such that community members and key stakeholders who are involved in the community’s health have the opportunity to be full participants in each phase of the work from conception to communication of results. Acceptable projects include but are not limited to studies that involve survey data, focus groups, or semi-structured interviews to identify community needs for intervention on a specific family planning issue, or for process evaluation of a pilot intervention.”
Funder: The Society of Family Planning Research Fund
Eligibility: “Institutions must have nonprofit or tax-exempt status. Proposals must be submitted by a team that includes co-Principal Investigators, one from a research or academic setting and one from a community organization, and the roles of each must be clearly described. The PI at the research organization must be an SFP full or junior fellow. All research and community partners must be identified on the proposal.”
Amount: Up to $150,000
Contact: Link.