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A Matter of Equity: Preschool in America

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Author(s): The U.S. Department of Education

Published: Apr. 7, 2015

Report Intro/Brief:
“While both states and the federal government invest in early learning, these efforts have fallen short of what is needed to ensure that all children can access a high-quality early education that will prepare them for success. Significant new investments in high-quality early education are necessary to help states, local communities, and parents close the readiness gap that exists between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers.

For Latino children, the unmet need is especially great. While Latinos are the fastest growing and largest minority group in the United States, making up a quarter of 3- and 4-year-olds, Latinos demonstrate the lowest preschool participation rates of any major ethnicity or race. And while most children who have access to preschool attend moderate-quality programs, African-American children and children from low-income families are the most likely to attend low-quality preschool programs and are the least likely to attend high-quality preschool programs.”

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