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Family Violence Prevention and Services Discretionary Grant Program/National Domestic Violence Hotline

Subject: Safety, Child/Youth Welfare, Family, Domestic Violence
Deadline: May 11, 2015

“The national domestic violence hotline (hotline) serves as a critical partner in the intervention, prevention and resource assistance efforts of the network of family violence, domestic violence and dating violence service providers. It provides assistance in the following areas:

  1. Crisis intervention and counseling by helping the caller identify problems and possible solutions, including making plans for safety in an emergency;
  2. Education and information about resources on domestic violence and dating violence, children exposed to domestic violence, sexual assault, intervention programs for batterers, working through the criminal and civil justice systems; and
  3. Nationwide referrals to domestic violence shelters and programs, social service agencies, programs addressing the needs of children exposed to domestic violence, legal assistance agencies, economic self-sufficiency programs, and other related services.

The entity chosen as the hotline grant recipient must be able to:

  1. Operate a 24-hour, national, toll-free telephone hotline to provide information and assistance to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, family and household members of such victims, and persons affected by the victimization;
  2. Provide assistance and referrals for youth victims of domestic violence and for victims of dating violence who are minors, which may be carried out through a national teen dating violence hotline;
  3. Provide digital services including chatting and texting as needed to fill the needs of certain users;
  4. Commit to diversity and ensure the provision of services to underserved populations, including to ethnic, racial, and non-English speaking minorities, in addition to older individuals and individuals with disabilities including those with hearing impairments;
  5. Provide services that include crisis intervention, safety planning, counseling, information and referral (including direct connection to service providers);
  6. Utilize skilled and knowledgeable staff and show a commitment to diversity; and
  7. Demonstrate that it has a record of high quality service to victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, including a demonstration of support from advocacy groups and State Domestic Violence Coalitions.

The Secretary shall give priority to applicants with experience in operating a hotline that provides assistance to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence.”

Funder: Administration for Children & Families
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, small businesses, for profit organizations other than small businesses, private institutions of higher education, Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments). Faith-based and community organizations that meet the eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement.
Amount: $4,000,000 – $4,100,000
Contact: Link.

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