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The Provident Bank Foundation – Community Enrichment, Education, Health, Youth, and Families “Signature and Impact” Grants

Subject: Community Development, Youth Welfare, Education, Families, Health
Deadline: Various

NOTE: These grants are for Pennsylvania and New Jersey organizations only.

“The Provident Bank Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life in New Jersey and Pennsylvania communities in Provident Bank’s marketplace. Since its founding in 2003, the Provident Bank Foundation has granted more than $19 million to not-for-profit organizations and institutions working toward stronger communities.

The Provident Bank Foundation makes grants in three priority areas: community enrichment, education, and health, youth & families.

  • Our giving to community enrichment focuses on programs that drive economic development, contribute to a more well-rounded community experience, and provide increased access to information and specialized learning opportunities.
  • Our efforts in education support innovative programming that expands access to, and improves the quality of, well-rounded educational experiences for people of all ages.
  • Our contributions to health, youth, and families aim to ensure people of all ages and means have the ability to improve the quality of their lives, including having a safe place to live and access to quality healthcare.”

Funder: The Provident Bank Foundation
Eligibility: “Any qualified 501c3 organization with a proven track record in effective community intervention related to the funding priority area in which they make a proposal is welcome to submit a letter of intent. Likewise, organizations well-positioned and trusted in the community with no previous programming experience specific to their proposal, but with an interest and demonstrable capacity to do so, are also welcome to apply.”
Amount:  Signature Grants: $100,000
Impact Grants: $20,000
Contact: Link.

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