Subject: Education, Financial Education | Deadline: Aug. 1, 2014
“The mission of The NASDAQ OMX Group Educational Foundation, Inc. is to promote learning about capital formation, financial markets and entrepreneurship through innovative educational programs.”
Funder: The NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation
Eligibility: The NASDAQ OMX Group Educational Foundation will accept proposals from: 1) Educational institutions and organizations designated as tax-exempt according to 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. 2) In some cases, entities deemed non-profit or not-for-profit by an equivalent of §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. 3) A for-profit business or consultant acting on behalf of a qualified tax-exempt entity. Please note that if the grant is awarded, a representative of the tax-exempt entity must sign the grant agreement and the award check will be paid to the tax-exempt entity. 4) In some limited cases, highly and specifically qualified individuals, only for the purpose of conducting independent academic study or research on financial markets.
Amount: $15,000.
Contact: Link.