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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded: April – May 2013

Surdna Foundation
(212) 557-0010
New York, NY

Grants awarded to:

  • Asian Arts Initiative – to support Youth Arts Workshop, a year-round program that engages artists to create a safe, constructive space for diverse groups of Philadelphia youth to share and deepen cultural and community experiences through art-making. $75,000
  • Baltimore School for the Arts –  to support BSA’s TWIGS, a program that provides access to a continuum of pre-professional arts training for disadvantaged Baltimore students; and arts and academic programming necessary to prepare students for success in college and in careers. $160,000
  • Brooklyn Academy of Music – to support BAM’s DanceAfrica Education Program; and planning and development of new arts education programs. $50,000
  • California State Summer School for the Arts Foundation – to support CSSSA’s Visiting Artists Residency program, which annually brings 30 distinguished artists to teach, perform and create original work during the School’s four-week summer session. $60,000
  • Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art – to support the Saturday and Outreach Programs, which provide free visual arts classes for New York City high school students to develop their creative talents and prepare them for entry to college. $100,000
  • Dreyfoos School of the Arts: School of the Arts Foundation, Inc. – to support four guest artists to teach expanded, diverse art classes and to provide small group and individual assistance in the areas of digital media, theatre, communications and dance. $120,000
  • Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild – continued support for MCG Youth & Arts’ Apprenticeship Training Program (ATP) and Process Masters. $80,000
  • Massachusetts College of Art and Design – to support Artward Bound, a multi-year college access program for Boston teens that provides the artistic, academic, and personal skills needed for admission to a visual arts college or other post-secondary institution. $150,000
  • Urban Habitat – To support and expand Urban Habitat’s Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute, which recruits, trains, and places leaders from low-income communities and communities of color on priority boards and commissions. $125,000
  • International Center of Photography – to support ICP’s Teen Academy, Imagemakers, and four partnerships with community organizations throughout New York City. $150,000
  • COMPAS – continued support for ArtsWork and ArtsScope COMPAS’ arts-based summer employment and ‘pre-employment’ programs for teens. $35,000
  • Oberlin Dance Collective – continued support for ODC School’s Teen Dance Program and pre-professional dance company. $35,000



John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
(312) 726-8000
Chicago, IL

Grants awarded to:

  • The Coalition for Juvenile Justice – to support the Coalition to plan, produce, and manage the Eighth Annual Models for Change Working Conference: a two-day event that will provide about 400 participants with opportunities to network, discuss reform strategies, and exchange information on innovative programs and practices. $500,000
  • Technical Assistance Collaborative – to consult with and provide technical assistance to Models for Change states to ensure that financing and policy changes to sustain reforms for improving access to effective mental health services are in place as the initiative’s direct support for model demonstrations ends. $100,000
  • Institute for Research and Reform in Education – to enable the institute to work with the foundation-funded Local Initiative Support Corporation and New Communities Program sites to strengthen the planning of interventions designed to measurably improve social conditions in targeted Chicago neighborhoods. $82,000
  • Urban Institute – this grant supports the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP), a thirty-seven-city network of data intermediaries that has developed neighborhood-level information systems that support urban revitalization efforts. $450,000
  • National Public Education Support Fund – to support the foundation’s membership in the Education Funder Strategy Group , whose core programming is designed to provide its thirty local, state, and national member foundations with opportunities to consider policy initiatives, public/private partnerships, and philanthropic collaborations that can help address the disparities of educational opportunity and outcomes in America, and help inform, leverage, and optimize opportunities for federal and state reform from early learning to K-12 and higher education. $25,000
  • Northwestern University – to help bring to scale the FUSE project, an effort to engage young people in STEM fields through easy-to-accomplish, hands-on exploratory challenges. $350,000
  • New Venture Fund – to continue to develop a variety of partnerships across government, philanthropy, industry, and entertainment to help spread the Connected Learning approach; and to launch a campaign to directly engage youth in Connected Learning. $500,000
  • Columbia College Chicago Center for Community Arts Partnerships – support the Convergence Academies, a school reform model developed in collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools to turn around failing schools by infusing digital media and technology into all aspects of learning. $100,000
  • Mozilla Foundation – to build a community of Chicago government, corporate, civic, and non-profit leaders committed to investing in learning innovations that create opportunities for more Chicago youth to engage in learning that is relevant to their lives and prepares them for success in school, the workplace, and their communities. $200,000



Stuart Foundation
San Francisco, CA

Grants awarded to:

  • BUILD – to support BUILD’s in-school freshman entrepreneurship program for 310 students at 12 high schools throughout Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area peninsula. Incorporated into the school day as a credited class, BUILD provides experiential learning by assisting students to develop and run their own small businesses while building critical thinking and analysis skills. $50,000
  • Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc. – to administer student surveys to inform school improvement, teacher development, and education reform strategies. The YouthTruth student survey translates students’ unique perspectives into actionable data and insight to help districts, schools, principals and teachers improve, and informs how education reform strategies impact students. $150,000
  • Dovetail Learning – to support the implementation of a strategic plan for expansion of the highly successful Toolbox Project, a research-based social and emotional learning curriculum. The Toolbox curriculum focuses on the whole child by building higher order thinking and social emotional skills in K-6 students. $200,000
  • Education Results Partnership – for general support to Educational Results Partnerships, the largest longitudinally-linked education data system in the nation. $150,000
  • First Place for Youth –            to support First Place for Youth in their efforts to improve the lives of young adults aging out of foster care. The organization provides comprehensive housing, education, and employment support to youth and young adults living in four Bay Area Counties (San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa and Solano) and Los Angeles County. $75,000
  • Fostering Media Connections – to support Fostering Media Connections’ (FMC) implementation of a targeted media campaign that builds widespread local, state and national support for improving the well-being of children and youth in foster care. $50,000
  • Project Grad Los Angeles Inc. – to prepare first-generation, low-income middle and high school students living in the northeast San Fernando Valley for college. $50,000
  • Stanford University – to support Policy Analysis for California Education which works to inform, share and sustain a long-term agenda for education policy reform in California. $100,000
  • Summer Search – To support resilient, low-income youth in Seattle, the San Francisco Bay Area, the North Bay, and Silicon Valley to become responsible leaders by providing year-round mentoring, life-changing summer experiences, college advising and a lasting support network. $60,000
  • The California Education Partners – To support a 16 member leadership development and capacity-building partnership for superintendents and charter management organization CEOs that will build on the work begun during the Foundation-sponsored Whole System Reform study visit to Ontario in 2012. $265,500



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3100
Seattle, WA

Grants awarded to:

  • WestEd – to support CalTURN meeting, which will focus on collaborative implementation of common core standards, and achieving equity by ensuring all students have access to well-prepared, committed teachers. $30,000
  • Fund for Public Schools, Inc. – to support participation in the Global Education Leader’s Program in Sydney, Australia. $21,563
  • Baton Rouge Area Foundation – to support ongoing implementation of education reforms in LA through support to a coalition of advocacy organizations. $150,000
  • Council of Chief State School Officers – to support a multi-state pilot on education preparation. $703,737
  • Northwest Immigrant Rights Project – to support maximizing the benefits to undocumented youth and their families provided by the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). $100,000
  • Seattle Center Foundation – to support 2013 Citizen University (formerly Guiding Lights Weekend). $10,000
  • Stanford University – to support the Learning Analytics Summer Institute, which will convene researchers at different stages of their career to develop their skills and knowledge. $218,567
  • Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities – to support the development and initial implementation of the Student Achievement Measure (SAM) Project. $424,726
  • National Geographic Society – to provide access for students in low-income neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series, a monthly event for Washington State students that showcases National Geographic explorers, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers. $10,000
  • Inland Northwest Community Foundation – to support evaluation of community initiatives to reduce adverse childhood experiences in Washington State. $215,000
  • Council Of The Great City Schools – to develop benchmarking of instructional-related expenditures to enable strategic resource alignment in K-12. $614,954
  • Kindering Center – to support families in transitional housing with the Promoting First Relationships: a program which supports the development of secure and healthy relationships between caregivers and young children. $40,010
  • Florida College System Foundation Inc. – to drive catalytic policy priorities forward, as part of the Completion by Design initiative, intended to create more targeted student success mechanisms for Florida College System students. $399,000
  • Ohio Association of Community Colleges – to elevate community college institutional innovations funded by the foundation to model the practice and leadership required of all Ohio community colleges to increase college completion and credential attainment. $399,964
  • The Colorado Education Association Foundation for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement – to help train teachers and teacher leaders on implementation of CO teacher evaluation system, academic standards and accountability system, in support of integration work led by Colorado Legacy Foundation. $300,000
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