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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded – Week of May 21st, 2012


Marin Community Foundation

  • TO: Marin Community Clinics
    -for oral health, behavioral health, adolescent health, and women’s health)


  • Coastal Health Alliance
    -for behavioral health services


  • The Ritter Center
    -For behavioral health services


  • Marin Department of Health and Human Services
    – for coordination of prevention efforts, breast screenings and case management, and surgical and specialty care


  • Partnership HealthPlan of California
    – for children’s insurance subsidies.

Marcus Foundation

  • TO: Emory University, Department of Pediatrics
    – to create the Marcus Society in Pediatrics which will specialize in research in the following areas: rheumatology, general pediatrics and adolescent medicine, emergency medicine/faulty development, cystic fibrosis, neurology, immunology, cardiology, general academic pediatrics/hospital medicine, and hospital epidemiology/infection control.

Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

  • TO: YMCA of Metropolitan Birmingham
    – to help expand its international children’s initiative to branches in Jefferson and Shelby counties.


Arizona Community and Helios Education

  • TO: National Center for Youth Law

-to help FosterEd establish research-based data-driven programs that improve educational outcomes for foster children in Arizona.

New York Community Trust

  • TO: Bank Street College of Education
    – for Civil Rights Remix, a youth-produced multimedia exhibition that connects contemporary and historic civil rights events in New York City
  • TO: City Lore
    -to expand a project in which teen skateboarders record and share videos of skate culture in New York City
  • TO: Joan Ganz Cooney Center for Media and Research
    -to develop a series of video game design workshops at Hive Learning Network member sites and encourage youth to participate in the National STEM Video Game Competition.


J.J. Keller Foundation Fund to Community for Hope of Greater Oshkosh

  • Oshkosh Area Community Foundation
    -to help support children, teachers, and families in the community on the heels of the suicide deaths of two students who attended Merrill Middle School. Community for Hope is providing professional counselors for a teen support group and will support community-wide training sessions on suicide prevention during May and June.

The Coca-Cola Foundation

  • Abyssinian Development Corporation
    -to improve equal education opportunities for Harlem’s youth and to establish a student media center at Bread & Roses Integrated Arts High School so students have access to books, technology, software, and hardware to support the school’s curriculum.
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