Public Welfare Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 965-1800
* Campaign for Youth Justice, Washington, D.C., $250,000 for general support.
* Center for Children’s Law and Policy, Washington, D.C., $70,000 to help the District of Columbia Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services develop policies and procedures that promote ongoing reform.
* Center for Effective Public Policy, Silver Spring, Md., $300,000 for strategic planning with state governments that are receiving money under the Second Chance Act to help ensure federal funds are successfully reducing released prisoners’ relapse into crime.
* Coalition for Juvenile Justice, Washington, D.C., $95,000 to provide guidance to policymakers and practitioners on keeping youths who have committed status offenses out of correctional institutions.
* Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, Bridgeport, $150,000 for general support.
* Juvenile Law Center, Philadelphia, $100,000 for in-state juvenile justice reform and to provide support for litigation that challenges policies allowing the transfer of youths to the adult criminal justice system.
* National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, Calif., $41,680 to help the Arkansas Department of Human Services implement a communications plan to promote statewide juvenile justice reform.
* W. Haywood Burns Institute, San Francisco, $200,000 for general support.
* Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $234,200 for technical assistance to state advocates on fiscal and budget issues and their impact on the implementation of national health care reform.
America’s Promise
Washington, D.C.
(202) 657-0600
America’s Promise and AT&T gave small grants to national and local organizations for “My Idea” grants, which support plans for projects conceived by youth. National winners received between $5,000 and $20,000; local winners received between $500 and $1,500.
National winners:
* Arbor on Main Mentoring Program, Ukiah, Calif.
* Beats, Rhymes & Life Studio, Oakland, Calif.
* Bridging the Future to Today, Knightdale, N.C.
* The Brotherhood, Chicago.
* BW Scholars Peer Mentoring, Cleveland.
* By Students For Students, Mansfield, Mass.
* Community-Change Projects, Santa Fe, N.M.
* D.I.V.A.S.: Determined, Inspired, Visionaries, Attaining Success, Streamwood, Ill.
* Day Treatment Greenhouse Effect, Biloxi, Miss.
* Don’t Wait, Don’t Hate, Participate, Graduate! Hixson, Tenn.
* DRIVE-AREME, Detroit.
* Dropping In-Theater as Voice, Albuquerque, N.M.
* Every Head Counts, Dallas.
* Express Yourself Editorial Panel, North Potomac, Md.
* Get it Done!, Akron, Ohio.
* Girls PACT, Los Angeles.
* Glencliff Garden Club Outdoor Classroom, Nashville, Tenn.
* Graduate Chattanooga, Tenn.
* Griffins Moving Toward Success, Akron, Ohio.
* Inspire to Lead, Missoula, Mont.
* Join Us Under The Big Tent! Houston.
* Life-changing Technology for Graduation Success, Roswell, Ga.
* MBYC Connect the Desert, Adelanto, Calif.
* Mobilizing Young Mobile, Saraland, Ala.
* Occupational Shadows, Indianapolis.
* Peer-to-Peer Education Project, Baltimore.
* Project REAL, Chicago.
* Project YOU! Des Moines, Iowa.
* Restorative Justice: Sharing the Knowledge, New Orleans.
* Sueña, Brooklyn, N.Y.
* Stop the Epidemic Please: STEP, Jackson, Miss.
* Teaching, Empowering, Encouraging New Generation, York, Pa.
* Teen Study Center, Pomona, Calif.
* Vision to Victory, Louisville, Ky.
* The Write Way to Graduation, Brooklyn, N.Y.
* Yes! Youth Empowerment Seminar, Washington, D.C.
Local winners:
Oakland, Calif.:
* Summer Bridge @ LPS.
* Tutor
* Active Mentorship.
* All City Council Youth Forum.
* BlastTM Helps.
* Da Town Researchers.
* Describe Your Life Through Poetry.
* Drop-Out Education.
* Dropout Prevention Mini Tour.
* Get The Parents Involved.
* Graduation Support Group.
* Juvenile Hall to Study Hall.
* Media Campaign for 100% Graduation.
* Mentoring @ Far West.
* Project Work World.
* Reading for Success.
* Restorative Justice and Teachers.
* Stay in School-FTW.
* Student Excellence Achievement Project.
* Student Support.
* Under 21 Open Mics.
Washington, DC:
* Reality Put Into a Play.
* Latinos Ready to Lead.
* NULITES alumni.
* Hope 4 Change.
* Youth Leadership.
* VOYCE Leadership.
* Aspiring Latinos Moving Toward Advancement,
* Career Exploration,
* Dreams for the Future,
* Open Our Eyes to Success,
* Prep for Life,
* Students Helping Students Be Successful,
Louisville, Ky.:
* HOBY Community Leadership Workshop Program,
* SEEK, Miles for Merry Miracles,
* Highland Park Youth Group,
* Community Youth Talks,
* Don’t Miss Out.
Jackson, Miss.:
* Empowering Minds, Saving Lives Campaign.
* ACT Up!!
* Graduate Jackson.
New York:
* Looking Towards the Future.
* Students Parents Educators Act Knowledge.
* How Did I Get Here?
* Lead One By Choice.
* Want to be a Millionaire.
* Just Ask Me.
Nashville, Tenn.:
* Glencliff Garden Club Fundraising Event.
* Operation Graduation.
* Glencliff School Irrigation System.
* The Study Foundation.
* No More Drop Outs Camp.
* Student Portfolio.
* Big Tent.
* RACE to Graduation.
* Call In Call Out Dropouts.
New Orleans:
* A Passion for Fashion.
* Campus Visits.
* Drama Club.
* Giving Girls a Better Future.
* Peer Mediation.
* Positive Paraphernalia Pizza Parties.
* Restorative Justice: Sharing the Knowledge.
* The Art of Me.
* The GAMER Program.
* ULCT Getting Ready for Life.
* Youth Ambassadors for Restorative Justice.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Washington, D.C.
(202) 307-0703
Bureau of Justice Assistance
* Ohio Department of Youth Services, Columbus, $537,998 for Second Chance Act Reentry Demonstration Program, which targets offenders with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders within youth-serving state government agencies.
* Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Probation and Court Services, Chicago, $574,335 for Second Chance Act Reentry Demonstration Program, within juvenile-serving city or county government agencies.
* Orange County Government, Orlando, Fla., $595,390 for Second Chance Act Reentry Demonstration Program within juvenile-serving city or county government agencies.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
* Westat, Rockville, Md., $499,989 for compilation of Juveniles in Adult Criminal Court.
* National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, $349,769 for compilation of Recidivism in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Juvenile Offenders
National Mentoring:
* Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $40 million.
* Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Philadelphia, $10 million.
* National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Jupiter, Fla., $5 million.
* National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, Md., $5 million.
Multi-State Mentoring:
* Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Washington, D.C., $2.4 million.
* FRIENDS FIRST, Littleton, Colo., $2.4 million.
* National Organization of Concerned Black Men, Washington, D.C., $2.4 million.
* Nueva Esperanza, Philadelphia, $2.4 million.
* U.S. Dream Academy, Columbia, Md., $2.4 million.
Second Chance Act Mentoring:
* Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest, Portland, Ore., $624,824.
* Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley, Knoxville, $362,736.
* Child and Family Services of New Hampshire, Manchester, $532,726.
* Girls and Gangs, Los Angeles, $545,115.
* Indiana Juvenile Justice Task Force, Indianapolis, $624,830.
* San Juan County Partnership, Farmington, N.M., $615,050.
* Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, Tex., $484,687.
* The Young Men’s Christian Association of Metropolitan Minneapolis, $603,941.
* Young Adult Guidance Center, Atlanta, $625,000.
Tribal Mentoring:
* Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Philadelphia, $2 million.
* Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $2 million.
Safe Schools Healthy Students Mentoring:
* Bourbon County Schools, Paris, Ky., $300,000.
* Campbell County School District No. 1, Gillette, Wyo., $276,969.
* Clayton Public School District, Clayton, N.J., $300,000.
* Kershaw County School District, Camden, S.C., $298,831.
* Newton Public Schools, Newton, Mass., $300,000.
* San Francisco Unified School District, $300,000.
Strategic Enhancement to Mentoring Programs:
* Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Central Ohio, Columbus, $500,000.
* Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, $499,356.
* Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County, Tustin, Calif., $333,046.
* Bitterroot Ecological Awareness Resources, Hamilton, Mont., $238,593.
* Chicago Youth Centers, $434,432.
* Crossroads Programs, Willingboro, N.J., $231,000.
* Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services, Gretna, La., $500,000.
* Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Hugo, Okla., $499,999.
* Metropolitan Family Services, Chicago, $500,000.
* Supportive Integrated Services, Shreveport, La., $399,177.
* The Center for Working Families, Atlanta, $500,000.
* The Village Family Service Center, Fargo, N.D., $473, 218.
* United Way of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville, $496,491.
Research and Technical Assistance
* National Juvenile Defender Center, Washington, D.C., $500,000 for Juvenile Indigent Defense National Clearinghouse.
* Justice Research and Statistics Association, Washington, D.C., $393,160 for National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center.
* Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., $765,216 for National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches.
* University of New Hampshire – Crime Against Children Research Center, Durham, $789,969 for National Survey on Children Exposed to Violence: New Cohort Continuation.
* McKinley County, Gallup, N.M., $500,000 for Tribal Youth Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Programs.
* The Rockville Institute, Rockville, Md., $1 million for National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children 3.
* Grant Fundamentals, Toledo, Ohio, $2 million for Group Mentoring Research and Evaluation Program.
* Curators of the University of Missouri on Behalf of UMSL, Columbia, $716,301 for Mentoring Research Best Practices.
* National Mentoring Partnership, Alexandria, Va., $999,900 for Mentoring Research Best Practices.
* Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Urbana, $999,907 for Mentoring Research Best Practices.
* Education Department Center, Newton, Mass., $2.4 million for Tribal Youth Program Training and Technical Assistance.
* National Association of Drug Court Professionals, Alexandria, Va., $30,000 for support for Conferences on Juvenile Justice.
* Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego, $25,000 for Support for Conferences on Juvenile Justice.
* International Association of Chiefs of Police, Alexandria, Va., $749,992 for Engaging Law Enforcement through Training and Technical Assistance to Reduce Juvenile Crime, Victimization and Delinquency.
Violence Prevention
Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration Program:
* City and County of Denver Safe City Office, $2.2 million.
* City of Oakland, Calif., $2.2 million.
* Columbia Heights Shaw Family Support Collaborative, Washington, D.C., $2.2 million.
* Fund for the City of New York/Center for Court Innovation, $2 million.
Gang Prevention and Intervention:
* Boys & Girls Club of Central Arkansas, Little Rock, $325,000.
* Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Sacramento, Calif., $324,169.
* Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia, $323,074.
* City of Minneapolis, $325,000.
* Colors of Success, Salt Lake City, $325,000.
* Old Colony Y, Brockton, Mass., $170,581.
* Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Fla., $324,901.
Safe Start Promising Approaches Project:
* Aliviane, El Paso, Texas, $250,000.
* Aurora Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center, Aurora, Colo., $250,000.
* Colorado Judicial Department, Denver, $248,088.
* Health Federation of Philadelphia, $250,000.
* National Center on Family Homelessness, Newton, Mass., $250,000.
* St. John’s University, New York, $250,000.
* University of Hawaii, Honolulu, $249,299.
* Washington State University, Pullman, $249,783.
* Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, $249,992.
Indian Country:
* Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, Wis., $850,000.
Juvenile Offenders
Sexual Behavior Program:
Children’s Institute, Los Angeles, $400,000.
Second Chance Act Adult and Juvenile Offender Reentry Projects:
* Indiana Department of Correction, Indianapolis, $732,389.
* County of Los Angeles, $749,933.
* North Dakota Department of Corrections Division of Juvenile Services, Bismarck, N.D., $251,712.
* Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services, Mich., $656,327.
* City of Oakland, Calif., $750,000.
* Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, Harrisburg, $183,413.
* Sac and Fox Nation, Stroud, Okla., $496,889.
* Sacramento County, Sacramento, Calif., $750,000.
* State of New Jersey, Department of Law and Public Safety, Trenton, $123,753.
* State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, $563,269.
* Texas Youth Commission, Austin, $524,461.
* Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, Richmond, $675,000.
Family Drug Court:
* County of Siskiyou, Yreka, Calif., $349,962.
* Harris County, Houston, $350,000.
* Jackson County Family Court Services, Kansas City, Mo., $324,965.