The Atlantic Philanthropies
New York
(212) 916-7300
- Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families, Silver Spring, Md., $200,000 to enhance policy and advocacy capacity and funding among its members and partners.
- Child Trends, Washington, D.C., $200,000 for general support.
- Single Stop USA, New York, $1.5 million to transition its work in New Mexico and build its national policy agenda.
- Vote Kids, Washington, D.C., $200,000 to complete work related to the 2010 elections.
- Children Now, Oakland, Calif., $200,000 for education reform work and implementation of California’s Children’s Health Insurance program.
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, New York, $200,000 for general support.
- Communities in Schools, Arlington, Va., $250,000 for general support.
- James B. Hunt Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership & Policy Foundation, Durham, N.C., $300,000 for general support.
- Children’s Aid Society, New York, $500,000 for the Carrera Pregnancy Prevention program.
- Grantmakers for Education, Portland, Ore., $200,000 for general support.
- National Indian Youth Leadership Project, Gallup, N.M., $300,000 for general support.
- Tides Center/Youth Development Institute, New York, $150,000 for general support.
- U.S. Dream Academy, Columbia, Md., $200,000 for general support.
- PolicyLink, Oakland, Calif., $900,000 to two federal initiatives: Promise Neighborhoods and Green Jobs program.
- Public Interest Projects, New York, $3.5 million to support local and community efforts to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices.
- Advancement Project, Washington, D.C., $3.75 million to build a national movement to eliminate harsh discipline, the criminalization of children in schools and practices that result in racial disparities.
- National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, New York, $1.5 million to support federal advocacy for accountability measures on school discipline.
The Hearst Foundations
New York
(212) 586-5404
- Appalshop, Whitesburg, Ky., $100,000 for youth arts education programs.
- Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, Calif., $50,000 to support the Aquarium Education Fund for students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
- Big Thought, Dallas, $50,000 for Thriving Minds, an after-school program.
- Boston Children’s Chorus, $30,000 for general support.
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York, $100,000 for education programs for children and youth.
- Children’s Museum of Phoenix, $50,000 to launch the Artists-in-Residence program.
- Kimmel Center, Philadelphia, $75,000 for youth art education programs.
- Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, New Orleans, $60,000 to support music education programs in New Orleans elementary schools.
- Oregon Children’s Theatre, Portland, $25,000 for education and outreach programs.
- Prospect Park Alliance, Brooklyn, N.Y., $100,000 for youth education programs.
- The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Conn., $80,000 for arts education programs for children and youth.
- Young Audiences of Indiana, Indianapolis, $40,000 in general support.
- Alliance for Choice in Education, Denver, $50,000 for 30 scholarships for at-risk children to attend private schools.
- Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., $75,000 for William Randolph Hearst scholarships for students from the transitional year program and to help meet a 2-to-1 challenge grant.
- Bronx River Alliance, New York, $50,000 for education programs to engage and train youth and community members in volunteer river restoration and stewardship.
- Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service, New York, $85,000 for the children’s literacy initiative.
- California State Parks Foundation, San Francisco, $75,000 for the Park Educational Legacy Fund for educational and interpretive programs for youth.
- Citizen Schools, New York, $50,000 for after-school programming for middle school students in Brooklyn and East Harlem.
- NatureBridge, San Francisco, $50,000 for scholarships for underserved urban students to attend field science/outdoor education programs.
- Partnership for After School Education, New York, $80,000 in general support.
- The Fund for Public Schools, New York, $200,000 for the Early Literacy initiative in New York public schools.
- Zero to Three, Washington, D.C., $100,000 for the Leaders for the 21st
- George Mark Children’s Home, San Leandro, Calif., $75,000 in general support to implement a long-term financial viability plan.
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Mississippi, Jackson, $30,000 in general support.
- CentroNia, Washington, D.C., $75,000 for academic after-school programs for underserved students.
- Children’s Home Society of Florida, West Palm Beach, $75,000 for “Project 18,” which provides education and independent living skills for teens who are homeless or living in foster care.
- Latin American Youth Center, Washington, D.C., $80,000 for art and media education programs for children and youth.
- Public Allies National Office, Milwaukee, $75,000 to expand the apprenticeship program for young adults.
- Reading Excellence and Discovery Foundation, New York, $60,000 to support tutoring programs in reading for young children in New York City.
Kaiser Permanente
Oakland, Calif.
(510) 271-5910
- California WIC Association, Sacramento, $100,000 to continue efforts to enable women, infants and children statewide to access healthy foods and nutrition education.
- Share Our Strength, Washington, D.C., $198,000 for the program “First Class Breakfast: Helping Maryland Students Combat Hunger and Obesity.”
- Oregon Health Career Center, Wilsonville, $310,000 for a scholarship program in which up to 113 high school students will receive $2,000 each to attend college for health care careers.
The George Gund Foundation
(216) 241-6560
Unless specified otherwise, the following grantees are based in Cleveland:
- E City, $20,000 for youth entrepreneurship programs.
- Friends of E Prep Schools, $150,000 for start-up support to breakthrough charter schools.
- Urban School News, $100,000 for Catalyst: Ohio newsmagazine.
- United Labor Agency, $25,000 for Ohio Youth Voices.
- Adoption Network Cleveland, $200,000 for general support.
- Center for Families and Children, $50,000 for a pilot pre-school project.
- Community Care Network, $9,000 for Cudell summer girls and boys basketball leagues.
- Grantmakers in Health, Washington, D.C., $5,000 in general support.
- Kent State University Foundation, Kent, Ohio, $75,000 for juvenile justice reform research.
- NAMI Greater Cleveland, $7,500 for a strategic plan for children’s behavioral health services.
- Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Covington, $100,000 to an Ohio juvenile justice reform initiative.
- Voices for Ohio’s Children, up to $125,000 in general support.
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, D.C., $75,000 in general support.
- Coalition on Human Needs, Washington, D.C., $80,000 for federal advocacy for low-income children and families.
- Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland, Ohio, $60,000 for Y-Haven and an additional $838,500 for basic needs.
- Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio, $125,000 for Art is Education and $215,000 for other education services.
- The Cleveland Music School Settlement, $50,000 for early childhood director search.
Corporation for National and Community Service
Washington, D.C.
(202) 606-5000
The following grants are designed to establish “RSVPs,” Retired and Senior Volunteer Programs.
- Alaska Community Services, Anchorage, $31,509 for Mentoring SPIRIT.
- County of Sacramento Department of Human Assistance, Modesto, Calif., $105,000 for RSVP Yolo Cares.
- Guardian ad Litem Program for the 4th Judicial Circuit Coast, Jacksonville, Fla., $79,684 for Senior Corps Guardians for Children.
- Fairfield Volunteer Center, Iowa, $30,624 for Fairfield RSVP.
- United Way of the Bluegrass, Lexington, Ky., $91,870 for Central Kentucky RSVP.
- Caring Carroll, Westminster, Md., $59,505 for Caring Carroll RSVP.
- Burlington Housing Authority, N.C., $110,257 for Mentoring and Tutoring 2 Excel Senior Volunteer Program.
- United Way of the Piedmont, Spartanburg, S.C., $30,000 for RSVP of Cherokee & Union.
- Porter Leath, Memphis, Tenn., $90,000 for RSVP.
- Volunteers of America of Utah, Salt Lake City, $95,710 for San Juan County RSVP.
- United Way of Marathon County, Wausau, Wis., $75,000 for RSVP of Marathon County.
The following grants are designed to build nonprofit capacity and achieve greater results:
- Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Roxbury, Mass., $220,000.
- Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, St. Paul, $200,000.
- United Way of the Bay Area, San Francisco, $200,000.
- University of Central Florida, Orlando, $160,000.