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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded July-August 2010


Carnegie Corporation
New York
(212) 371-3200

• Battelle For Kids, Columbus, Ohio, $650,000 for enhancement of a system of assessment-based professional development to drive high school students’ success.

• Center for Public Interest Research, Boston, $275,000 for new voters project.

• League of Women Voters Education Fund, Washington, $200,000 for a nonpartisan elections website and a high school voter registration project.

• National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices, Washington, $635,200 for an action agenda to improve science, technology, engineering and math education.

• U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Washington, $2.5 million for general support.

• The State of the U.S.A., Washington, $500,000 for developing national educational indicators.

Jessie Ball DuPont Fund
Jacksonville, Fla.
(904) 353-0890

• National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Oakland, Calif., $500,000 for the Center for Girls and Young Women, based in Jacksonville, Fla.

• Family Foundations, Jacksonville, Fla., $267,997 for expansion of the 1000 in 1000 program to build the assets of low-income families.

• Goucher College, Baltimore, $200,000 for recruiting and retaining first-generation disadvantaged students in Maryland.

• Church of God in Christ, Port St. Joe, Fla., $143,746 for general support.

• Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, $125,000 for general support.

• The Bolles School, Jacksonville, Fla., $63,196 for a science and technology program for children.

• Berea College, Berea, Ky., $30,000 for a land resources assessment and management plan.

Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471

• American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, $100,000 for general operating support.

• Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Del., $125,000 for general operating support.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis, $63,500 for summer camps and air conditioning for the Lilly gym.

• Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, $900,000 for Indiana Campus Compact.

• Peace Learning Center, Indianapolis, $905,000 for Power of One and ACT Out programs.

• YMCA of Indianapolis, $62,475 for summer youth programs at 12 sites and for training materials.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3140

• Stand for Children Leadership Center, Portland, Ore., $3.5 million for education reforms, training and technical assistance.

• College Success Foundation, Issaquah, Wash., $3 million for programming, strengthening data and analytical systems and enhancing development capacity.

• U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Washington, $5 million for launch of the institute.

• Mobilizing America’s Youth, Washington, $600,000 for bringing together young people to discuss challenges, opportunities and solutions to increasing college completion.

• Children’s Justice Alliance, Portland, Ore., $200,000 for family and community violence prevention.

• Year Up, Boston, $150,000 for launch of a Year Up chapter in Seattle.

• National Indian Child Welfare Association, Portland, Ore., $50,000 for conference support.

• Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Washington, $500,000 for a project designed to strengthen the Social Innovation Fund.

• The Education Trust, Washington, $1 million for general operating support.

• King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Renton, Wash., $66,288 for an online curriculum and campaign for prevention of sexual violence.

• City of Seattle Human Services Department, $150,000 for residential recovery services for prostituted youth in King County.

• Partners with Families & Children: Spokane, Spokane, Wash., $102,500 for wrap-around services for families referred to the public child welfare system for child neglect.

• Dallas Independent School District, $1.3 million for participation in the Measures of Effective Teaching project.

Sam’s Club Giving Made Simple Campaign
Bentonville, Ark.

The following youth-serving organizations received general support grants through the campaign, in which more than 125,000 club members and associates voted to determine four youth development grantees and four entrepreneurship grantees:

• YMCA of the USA, Chicago, $1 million.

• Junior Achievement, Denver, $500,000.

• Girls Inc., New York, $250,000.

• Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, New York, $250,000.

Walmart Foundation
Bentonville, Ark.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $1.5 million to create dedicated reading spaces at 100 Clubs to encourage reading.

• City Year, Boston, $1.2 million to establish a literacy training academy for 2,000 AmeriCorps volunteers.

• WGBH, Boston, $1.2 million to broaden its free online curriculum for teachers, which includes resources for lesson planning.

W.T. Grant Foundation
New York
(212) 752.0071

New awards to researchers in the field of youth development include:

• Jean Grossman, Carla Herrera, Leigh Linden and Richard Tagle, $245,000 for a 48-month follow-up study of the Higher Achievement Program, which serves middle school-aged youth in Washington and Alexandria, Va.

• Rebekah Coley, Sara Jaffee and James Mahalik, $394,058 to study gender differences in adolescent health-risk behaviors.

• Reed Larson and Marcella Raffaelli, $640,034 to study the development of self-direction fostered by youth-serving programs, with particular attention to Latino youth.

• Richard Murnane, $25,000 to study the labor market outcomes associated with career academies.

• Marc Brackett, Susan Rivers and Peter Salovey, $50,187 to test the impact of school-based emotional literacy programs.

Capacity-building grants and communications:

• Taproot Foundation Service Grant Program, New York, $40,000 to help five of W.T. Grant’s New York City grantees with leadership development, human resources and other capacity issues.

• Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, $90,996 to archive data from a 70-year longitudinal study that includes research on the links between childhood adversity and late-life cognition.

• University of Chicago, $300,000 to guide researchers on how to design group randomized studies about program quality and youth outcomes.

• American Youth Policy Forum, Washington, $162,745 to provide national policymakers with research on effective strategies to improve the quality of youth-serving programs.

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