W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, Mich.
(269) 968-1611
Note: The following grants are all part of America Healing, Kellogg’s new initiative to promote racial healing in America. For more details on the initiative, check the “Newsmakers” section of this issue.
• Adoption Network, Cleveland, $400,000 to work directly with youth and the public child welfare system to address the issue of overrepresentation of African-American children in the public child welfare system.
• African Refuge, New York, $238,000 to foster dialogue between African immigrant youth and African-American youth in the Park Hill neighborhood of Staten Island.
• Albion Community Foundation, Albion, Mich., $370,000 for youth leadership programs for minority youth.
• American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, $400,000 to address racist conflict for Lakota youth on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.
• Asian American Justice Center, Washington, D.C., $193,000 to foster youth-led discussions about inter-ethnic racial healing.
• Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, Omaha, $380,789 to build the capacity of urban maternal and child health leaders to engage in racial healing efforts through a guided mapping process.
• Boys & Girls Club of Pomona Valley, Pomona, Calif., $400,000 to support the implementation of school and community racial healing programs.
• California State University East Bay Foundation, Hayward, $317,606 to focus on racial healing and emotional well-being of foster care youth in the welfare system through coalition community engagement/partnerships and dialogues.
• Community College of Baltimore County, Md., $400,000 to establish the Institute for Racial Equity and Racial Healing.
• Creighton University, Omaha, Neb., $399,132 to mitigate the effects of internalized racism on vulnerable children of metropolitan Omaha and Douglas County.
• Equal Justice Initiative, Montgomery, Ala., $50,000 to address the racial isolation and despair faced by children in Alabama’s Black Belt region, by engaging high school students in local racial histories and civil rights advocacy.
• ERASE Racism, Syosset, N.Y., $350,000 to conduct training aimed at changing racial attitudes among youth.
• Fathers & Families of San Joaquin, Stockton, Calif., to construct the Youth Empowerment Center to serve youth in the San Joaquin Valley.
• Hull House, Chicago, $400,000 to establish a racial equity agenda.
• Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Chicago, $400,000 to develop and implement a child welfare reunification and reconciliation plan for Peoria County.
• Kings County District Attorney’s Office, New York, $250,000 to work with youth in the county to produce a documentary outlining the perversion of law in the perpetuation of slavery in America.
• Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, D.C., $399,708 to establish a series of facilitated dinner dialogues among youth in three counties in the Mississippi Delta.
• National Coalition Building Institute, Washington, D.C., $393,000 to transform the negative attitudes of some service providers and empower families to become better advocates for their children.
• National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington, D.C., $399,525 for youth empowerment programs.
• National Indian Child Welfare Association, Portland, Ore., $400,000 to help improve relationships between the child welfare systems and the American Indian and Alaska Native communities and to keep American Indian and Alaska Native children out of the child protection system.
• New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community, Albuquerque, $400,000 to establish new coalitions and multi-sector partnerships around multiculturalism by implementing dialogue and training experiences.
• Nonprofit Assistance Center, Seattle, $398,839 to help programs collaborate in an effort to remove structural racism and promote racial healing.
• Northnode, Roslindale, Mass., $40,000 to help foster an anti-racist identity and respect for diversity among youth and young adults in Boston.
• PeaceJam Foundation, Denver, $400,000 to include a structural racism module in its PeaceJam Ambassadors curriculum.
• Regents of the University of California-Los Angeles, $397,100 to improve marginalized communities’ access to high-quality education experiences and institutions by engaging a network of educators, community leaders and youth.
• Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos, Santa Cruz, Calif., $400,000 to enable youth of color to decrease violent behavior and individually heal in culturally grounded ways by implementing a prevention, intervention and training program.
• Visions Inc., Roxbury, Mass., $399,445 to address the institutional, cultural, personal and interpersonal racism, classism and regionalism that are the barrier to prosperity and survival in the county.
• WNYC Radio, New York, $400,000 to conduct workshops for at-risk teens focused on stereotyping and discrimination and to develop a series of broadcast-quality radio stories.
• Young Women’s Christian Association of Kalamazoo, Mich., $400,000 to use education to stimulate racial healing and reconciliation for Kalamazoo’s children.
• Young Women’s Christian Association of Tucson, Ariz., $400,000 to help vulnerable Latino youth on the south side of the city.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Los Altos, Calif.
(650) 948-7658
• Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, $180,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Arkansas have health care coverage.
• Beth Kanter, Los Altos, Calif., $120,000 to extend Kanter’s term as a visiting scholar at the Packard Foundation through 2010.
• California Strategies LLC, Beverly Hills, $225,000 to continue providing general advice, to coordinate business engagement through the California Preschool Business Advisory Council, and to coordinate with business target area grantees.
• Child and Family Policy Center, Des Moines, Iowa, $180,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that children in Iowa have health care coverage.
• Children’s Alliance, Seattle, $180,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Washington have health care coverage.
• Children’s Defense Fund, Bellaire, Texas, $180,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Texas have health care coverage.
• Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, Denver, $100,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Colorado have health care coverage and access to appropriate care.
• Community Initiatives, San Francisco, $10,000 for general support.
• Council on Foundations, Arlington, Va., $55,000 for 2010 institutional membership.
• East Bay Asian Youth Center, Oakland, Calif., $110,000 for expansion of summer programs at five elementary schools and one middle school.
• Fresno County (Calif.) Office of Education, $110,000 to expand summer enrichment programs in the county’s Central Unified School District.
• Gilroy (Calif.) Unified School District, $110,000 to expand the school district’s Super Power Summer Camp.
• Orange County Department of Education, Costa Mesa, Calif., $75,000 for the implementation of phase two of a comprehensive county-wide Preschool Plan that will enhance the quality of its preschool programs.
• Kids Count, Providence, R.I., $130,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Rhode Island have health care coverage.
• San Francisco School Alliance Foundation, $110,000 to expand and improve the quality of summer learning opportunities for San Francisco’s children.
• Utah Children, Salt Lake City, $100,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Utah have health care coverage and access to appropriate care.
• Voices for Ohio’s Children, Cleveland, $175,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Texas have health care coverage and access to appropriate care.
• WestEd, San Francisco, $50,000 to continue a feasibility study to expand early education services for low-income, at-risk children.
• Youth Development Network, Sacramento, Calif., $50,000 to provide technical support to strengthen after-school’s academic component, program start-up, state compliance and site-based problem solving.
National Endowment for the Arts
Washington, D.C.
(202) 682-5400
The following organizations received $25,000 each to participate in Shakespeare for a New Generation, which funds youth-led productions of William Shakespeare’s work. Each production will be performed for at least 10 schools. Grant entries followed by an asterisk also received between $10,000 and $20,000 from the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and will focus their efforts on youth involved with the justice system.
• A Noise Within, Glendale, Calif.
• Actors’ Shakespeare Project, Somerville, Mass.*
• American Players Theatre, Spring Green, Wis.
• Aquila Theatre Company, New York.
• Baltimore Shakespeare Festival, Baltimore.
• Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble, Bloomsburg, Pa.
• California Shakespeare Theater (Cal Shakes), Berkeley, Calif.*
• Classic Stage Company, New York.
• Dallas Theater Center, Dallas.
• Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver.
• Epic Theatre Ensemble, New York.
• Fairbanks Shakespeare Theatre, Fairbanks, Alaska.
• Folger Theatre, Washington, D.C.
• Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis.
• Hartford Stage Company, Hartford, Conn.
• Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Cold Spring, N.Y.*
• Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Boise.
• Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Kansas City, Mo.
• Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, Louisville.*
• Montana Shakespeare in the Parks, Bozeman.
• New Stage Theatre, Jackson, Miss.
• Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland.
• Park Square Theatre Company, St. Paul, Minn.
• Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre, Pittsburgh.
• PlayMakers Repertory Company, Chapel Hill, N.C.
• San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, San Francisco.*
• Seattle Shakespeare Company, Seattle.
• Shakespeare and Company, Lenox, Mass.*
• Shakespeare Festival/LA, Los Angeles.
• Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, D.C.
• St. Louis Black Repertory Company, St. Louis, Mo.
• The Acting Company, New York.
• The American Shakespeare Center, Staunton, Va.
• The Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival at DeSales University, Center Valley, Pa.
• The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, Madison.
• The Theater at Monmouth, Monmouth, Maine.
• The Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, Topanga, Calif.
• Theatre for a New Audience, New York.
• Touchstone Theatre, Bethlehem, Pa.
• Utah Shakespearean Festival, Cedar City.
• Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, Conn.