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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for May 2010


The Hearst Foundations
New York
(212) 586-5404

• Partnership for After School Education, New York, $80,000 for general support.

• Zero to Three, Washington, $100,000 for the Leaders for the 21st Century fellowship program.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Mississippi, Jackson, $30,000 for general support.

• Family Centers, Greenwich, Conn., $50,000 for general support.

• Neighborhood House, Seattle, $50,000 for the Family and Social Services program.

• NPower NY, Brooklyn, $100,000 for the Technology Service Corps workforce development program.

• The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Conn., $80,000 for arts education programs for children and youth.

• Appalshop, Whitesburg, Ky., $100,000 for arts education programs for youth.

• Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, Calif., $50,000 for the Aquarium Education Fund for students in PreK through grade 12.

• Big Thought, Dallas, $50,000 for Thriving Minds.

• The Center for Arts Education, New York, $70,000 for arts education programs in New York City public schools.

• Children’s Museum of Phoenix, $50,000 for the launch of the Artists-in-Residence Program.

• Young Audiences of Indiana, Indianapolis, $40,000 for general support.

CS Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651

• Southern Education Foundation, Atlanta, $150,000 for policy strategies and actions addressing the needs of high school dropouts.

• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, D.C., $100,000 for Pathways Out of Poverty.

• Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Washington, D.C., $25,000 for project website.

• Foundation Center, NewYork, $120,000 for general support.

• GuideStar, Williamsburg, Va., $190,000 for general support.

• Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Washington, D.C., $150,000 for Scaling What Works.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, Mich.
(269) 968-1611

Racial Equity:

• Amer-I-Can Foundation, Los Angeles, $653,100 for improving educational outcomes and life options for young people of color and providing life skills training to incarcerated women.

• Trustees of Phelps Stokes Fund, Washington, D.C., $397,500 for the Homecomers Academy.

• National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Madison, Wis., $298,000 for improving education, care and recidivism rate of African-Americans and Latinos in the Illinois juvenile justice system.

• National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Baltimore, $3.6 million for providing general support.

• Hull House Association, Chicago, $10,000 for providing general support.

• Boys & Girls Club of Pomona Valley, Pomona, Calif., $10,000 for providing general support.

• Adoption Network Cleveland, $10,000 for providing general support.

• Time Dollar Institute, Washington, D.C., $394,000 for advancing, educating and promoting a strategy to address structural racism in juvenile systems and reducing harmful practices.

Educated Kids:

• Arizona State University Foundation, Tempe, $135,992 for the Latino Male Achievement Symposium and for research on high school completion by Latino males.

• Ohio State University Foundation, Columbus, $50,000 for building parenting skills and offering workforce development opportunities.

• National Head Start Association, Alexandria, Va., $390,000 for improving outcomes for low-income children and families and for Head Start associations.

• Year Up, Boston, $750,000 for a young adult program providing job skills training, paid apprenticeships and college credit.

• Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, D.C., $3 million for ensuring the academic success of children in Mississippi by leveraging.

• Salish Kootenai College, Pablo, Mont., $1.39 million for Native American tribal history learning materials.

• Learning Matters, New York, $400,000 for the Verified Resume system.

• Athletes for Hope, Washington, D.C., $2 million for equipping youth with skills, knowledge and experiences for self development, community engagement and self-esteem.

Healthy Kids:

• Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, D.C., $300,000 for providing general support.

• Tides Center, San Francisco, $1.16 million for the Health for Oakland’s People and Environment Collaborative.

• New Venture Fund, Washington, D.C., $200,000 for bringing together philanthropic community members, nongovernmental organizations and corporate stakeholders for supporting children’s health policies.

• National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, $175,000 for gathering information on environmental health.

• Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, $1.2 million for tracking progress of community efforts to shift the conditions that have an impact on vulnerable youth.

• Birthing Project USA, Albuquerque, N.M., $150,000 for children and family resources on birth advocates and guides.

• Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, $20,000 for the spring 2010 convening of the Partner Organizations of Color.

• Holyoke Health Center, Mass., $1.2 million for the Holyoke Food & Fitness Policy Council Collaborative.

• Washington State University, Pullman, $1.2 million for the King County Food and Fitness Initiative Collaborative.

• City Harvest, New York, $1.2 million for the New York City Food and Fitness Partnership Collaborative.

Civic Engagement:

• Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Washington, D.C., $250,000 for stakeholder engagement practice strategies.

• Public Allies, Milwaukee, $800,708 for supporting organizational capacity development, program expansion and leadership.

• BoardSource, Washington, D.C., $350,000 for strengthening nonprofit organizations.

• Center for Effective Philanthropy, Cambridge, Mass., $200,000 for providing general support.

• Ann Arbor Teen Center, Mich., $376,440 for out-of-school-time programs for older youth.

George Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114

• Center for Families and Children, Cleveland, $200,000 for the Greater Cleveland Integrated Re-entry Project.

• Council for a Strong America Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Powell, Ohio, $35,000 for the Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Ohio office.

• Zero to Three – National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, Washington, D.C., $35,000 for Zero to Three Policy Center.

• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, D.C., $300,000 for operating support.

• Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati, $5,000 for Ohio children’s health policy initiatives.

• Advocates for Youth, Washington, D.C., $50,000 for education and advocacy for comprehensive sexuality education.

• The Center for Effective Philanthropy, Cambridge, Mass., $23,400 for grantee perception report.

• Council on Foundations, Arlington, Va., $39,500 for operating support.

• Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Silver Spring, Md., $5,000 for operating support.

• Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Silver Spring, Md., $2,500 for annual conference.

• Independent Sector, Washington, D.C., $12,500 for operating support.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Menlo Park, Calif.
(650) 234-4500

• Independent Sector, Washington, D.C., $25,000 for general support.

• California Tomorrow, Oakland, Calif., $250,000 for support of the community college access and equity initiative.

• Philanthropy Roundtable, Washington, D.C., $20,000 for general support.

• Bridgespan Group, San Francisco, $800,000 for general support.

• Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Washington, D.C., $15,000 for general support.

• National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, Washington, D.C., $20,000 for general support.

• Oakland Youth Chorus, Oakland, Calif., $135,000 for general support.

• National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Washington, D.C., $10 million for general support.

• Council on Foundations, Arlington, Va., $55,000 for general support.


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