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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Survey: Nonprofits in for a Tough 2010

Nonprofit professionals are bracing for a financially difficult 2010 with an anticipated rise in the demand for services amid a still-uncertain economy, a new survey by the Nonprofit Finance Fund found.

The majority of the 1,315 nonprofit leaders surveyed, representing communities across the nation, expect that 2010 will be as difficult as or more difficult than 2009.

Eighty percent of nonprofits predict an increase in demand for services in 2010, but just under 50 percent said they thought they’d be able to meet this demand level fully. Most said they expected federal and private funding to drop this year; 74 percent of respondents said they received no federal stimulus money. And 46 percent of nonprofits who did receive stimulus funds said that they won’t be able to replace those funds when they run out.

Offsetting the gloom-and-doom scenarios are reports of the creative steps many organizations are taking to keep up, from including collaborating with other programs and engaging their boards. Some respondents reported rallying the board, staff and volunteers, putting money in interest-bearing accounts and shedding costs to be leaner after the recession.

Read more about the 2010 survey and view past surveys at    

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