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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Your Chance to Weigh in on Full-Service Community Schools Program

Nonprofits and educators have until March 10 to influence the way the U.S. Department of Education (ED) structures an upcoming Full-Service Community Schools grant program.

The department is inviting comments on various aspects of the program for 2010 and beyond, which supports the coordination of academic, social and health services through partnerships with schools and community-based organizations. Interested parties can offer feedback on a proposed absolute priority that would require applicants to provide at least three of 12 suggested services at full-service schools, including family literacy programs, mentoring and assistance to truant or expelled students.

They can also weigh in on ED’s plan to give preference to applicants proposing to use the full-service model to turn around persistently low-achieving schools. ED will invite proposals for grants after it collects comments and crafts the final solicitation.

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