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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for February 2010


Ford Foundation
New York
(212) 573-5000

•City Year, New York, $200,000 for partnership with Ford Foundation to promote and facilitate educational justice for disadvantaged and marginalized secondary school-age students and to hold a national leadership summit.

•Unite-LA, New York, $300,000 for organizing a statewide coalition of business, industry and education reform groups for adoption and strengthening of “Multiple Pathways” approach to school reform.

•Community Partners, New York, $400,000 for Inner City Struggle to promote and facilitate implementation of college preparatory programs in all East Los Angeles secondary schools.

•GLSEN, New York, $100,000 for an intensive training program for educators on how to address bigotry and harassment directed at LGBTQ students.

•21st Century School, New York, $50,000 for monitoring and reporting on use of federal funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for Pre-K-12 public school building improvements.

•Massachusetts 2020 Foundation, New York, $200,000 for the National Center on Time and Learning to promote funding of extended learning time as part of education-related funding in the economic stimulus package.

•Children’s Defense Fund, New York, $1.5 million to support the Southern Rural Black Women’s Initiative for Economic and Social Justice to empower black women in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.

•W. Haywood Burns Institute, New York, $300,000 to provide general support to protect and improve lives of youth of color and poor children and to ensure the well-being of communities through youth-serving systems.

•Astraea Foundation, New York, $1.1 million to secure human rights of members of the LGBT community and to build institutional capacity to advance gender, racial and economic justice.

•Child Care Services Association, New York, $200,000 for the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood and Child Care WAGE$ Project.

•Academy for Educational Development, New York, $2 million for the New Voices Fellowship Program to develop new leadership in the human rights field.

•Young People’s Project, New York, $130,000 to support the “Finding Our Folk” tour to document and share stories of Hurricane Katrina survivors.

•Young Women’s Leadership Network, New York, $25,000 to help inner-city youth attain a college education and build a foundation for the future.

•The Foundation Center, New York, $100,000 to develop and launch Philanthropy In/Sight, a new tool for analyzing grant makers, grants and demographic data.

•American Indian Youth Running Strong, New York, $120,000 to support the First Environment Collaborative to implement its Centering Pregnancy model of prenatal care in Mohawk Country and promote integration throughout Indian Health Services.

•Guttmacher Institute, New York, $70,000 to create and distribute two peer-review publications on the sources of sexual health information and perspectives on abstinence of high school students.

•Youth Coalition, New York, $450,000 to ensure that the sexual and reproductive rights of young people are respected, guaranteed and promoted.

•Public/Private Ventures, New York, $500,000 for the Marginalized Men Crisis Intervention project to delay premature family formation and improve life outcomes among young men of color.

George Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114

Note: Grantees are in Cleveland unless otherwise noted.

•Action Against Crime and Violence Education Fund, Washington D.C., $25,000 for the Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Ohio office.

•Adoption Network Cleveland, $75,000 for the Adoption Cuyahoga’s Kids endowment.

•Center for Families and Children, $50,000 for the Greater Cleveland Integrated Re-entry Project.

•Center for Families and Children, $25,000 for the Mental Health Advocacy Coalition.

•Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners, $300,000 for Invest in Children.

•Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Silver Spring, Md., $100,000 for Build Initiative.

•Grantmakers in Health, Washington D.C., $5,000 for operating support.

•Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Covington, Ky., $100,000 for the Ohio juvenile justice reform initiative.

•Voices for Ohio’s Children, $125,000 for operating support.

•Voices for Ohio’s Children, $1,000 for the Champion for Children award celebration.

•Zero to Three – National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, Washington D.C., $25,000 for the Zero to Three Policy Center.

•Shoes and Clothes for Kids, $10,000 for operating support.

•Advocates for Youth, Washington D.C., $50,000 for federal advocacy and to support the Future of Sex Education project.

•Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Painesville, $50,000 to support teen reproductive health clinics.

•Rutgers University Foundation, Piscataway, N.J., $30,000 for ANSWER: Teen-to-Teen Sexuality Education Project.

•Care Alliance, $40,000 for the expansion of the Street Medical Outreach program.

•Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Silver Spring, Md., $5,000 for operating support.

•America Scores Cleveland, $20,000 for operating support.

•Friends of E Prep Schools, $71,500 for the establishment of a Cleveland charter management organization.

•Youth Opportunities Unlimited, $70,000 for program and operating support.

•United Labor Agency, $100,000 for the Ohio Youth Voices program.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, N.J.
(877) 843-7953

The following communities will each receive a four-year grant of about $360,000 to help prevent childhood obesity:

•Jefferson County, Ala.

•Boone and Newton Counties, Ark.


•Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.

•Watsonville and Pajaro Valley, Calif.


•Jacksonville, Fla.

•Lake Worth, Greenacres and Palm Springs, Fla.

•Cook County, Ga.

•Milledgeville, Ga.

•Kane County, Ill.

•New Orleans

•Fitchburg, Mass.

•Flint, Mich.

•Kansas City, Mo.

•Omaha, Neb.

•Cuba, N.M.

•Grant County, N.M.

•San Felipe Pueblo, N.M.

•Buffalo, N.Y.

•Kingston, N.Y.

•Rochester, N.Y.

•Moore and Montgomery Counties, N.C.

•Nash and Edgecombe Counties, N.C.

•Hamilton County, Ohio

•Benton County, Ore.

•Portland, Ore.


•Caguas, P.R.

•Greenville, S.C.

•Spartanburg County, S.C.

•Chattanooga, Tenn.

•El Paso, Texas


•San Antonio

•Charleston, W.V.


WT Grant Foundation
New York
(212) 752-0071

The following grantees are all based in New York City and will each receive $25,000 as part of the foundation’s Youth Service Improvement Grants program:

•Getting Out and Staying Out, to improve the database that tracks activities of its formerly incarcerated clients.

•Groundswell Community Mural Project, to train its teaching artists to identify and address disruptive behavior among participants.

•I Have a Dream Foundation, to strengthen the college preparation section of its program.

•Love Heals, to improve its Speakers Bureau Program, which sends youth speakers to public schools and community organizations to discuss HIV/AIDS prevention.

•New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, for its Trauma Recovery Program to provide mental health services to abused and neglected youth.

•Rockaway Artists Alliance, to improve its KidsmArt after-school program for special needs youth.

•Young Audiences New York, to improve its arts residencies programs in New York City public schools.

Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471

•Indianapolis Children’s Choir, $50,000 for its 25th anniversary celebration.

•Save the Youth, Indianapolis, $7,500 for a community Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas toy giveaway.

•Girls Inc., New York, $ 25,000 to support its executive search.

•Indiana Youth Services Association, Indianapolis, $424,509 for expansion of Project Safe Places.

•Jefferson Awards for Public Service, Wilmington, Del., $300,000 for the Youth Service Initiative.

•Marion County Commission on Youth, Indianapolis, $210,000 for general support.

•National Summer Learning Association, Baltimore, $50,000 to support a 2010 national conference.

The following Lilly grantees are all receiving grants to support theological programs for high school youth:

•Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind., $600,000.

•Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Mich., $350,000.

•Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, $775,000.

•Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., $230,000.

•Duke University, Durham, N.C., $975,000.

•Emmanuel School of Religion, Johnson City, Tenn., $440,000.

•Emory University, Atlanta, $1 million.

•Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, $775,000.

•Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster, Pa., $939,000.

•Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., $450,000.

•Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, $660,000.

•Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pa., $420,000.

•Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, $525,000.

•St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Baltimore, $131,000.

•St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, Ind., $895,000.

•St. Paul School of Theology, Collegeville, Minn., $875,000.

•Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio, $220,000.


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