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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Recovery Act News

The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) has released a new chart tracking Recovery Act spending under the Child Care and Development Block Grant. The information shows how much individual states received under the $2 billion stimulus allocation and how much funding each has drawn down to date. CLASP says it will update the chart regularly.

In other Recovery Act news, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced the award of $46 million in funds to 84 grantees under the Strengthening Communities Fund. Grants went to state and local agencies and nonprofits – including those serving children and youth – to help communities hard hit by the economic downturn, including providing job-training and benefit-access services. A chart lists grant winners and funding amounts.

Check out the “Track the Money” page to see which federal agencies have doled out the most money to date.

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