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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for October 2009

Office of National Drug Control Policy
Washington, D.C.
(202) 395-6618

Note: The following are 2009 new mentoring grantees from the Drug-Free Communities Program. Each receives approximately $75,000:

• Williams Unified School District #2, Ariz., for the Williams Alliance.

• San Dieguito for Drug Free Youth, San Diego, for the San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth.

• El Dorado Hills Community Vision, Calif., for the Vision Coalition of El Dorado Hills.

• Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services, Lawrenceville, Ga., for the Gwinnett Coalition for Health and Human Services.

• Stoughton Youth Commission, Mass., for Organizing Against Substances in Stoughton.

• Center for Prevention and Counseling, Newton, N.J., for the Sussex County Coalition for Healthy and Safe Families.

• National Council on Alcohol & Drug Dependence, East Brunswick, N.J., for the Coalition for Healthy Communities.

• Student Assistance Services Corp., Tarrytown, N.Y., for Project FOCUS.

• Suffolk Coalition to Prevent Alcohol & Drug Dependencies, Hauppauge, N.Y.

• The Partnership for Ontario County, Canandaigua, N.Y.

MacArthur Foundation
(312) 726-8000

Note: All grants to state organizations have been made as part of MacArthur’s Models for Change Initiative, which seeks to assist states in juvenile justice reform.

• 9th Judicial District Court Judges’ Office, Alexandria, La., $400,000.

• Berks County, Reading, Pa., $321,000 to reduce disproportionate minority contact.

• Calcasieu Parish Police Jury Office of Juvenile Justice Services, Lake Charles, La., $135,000 to support the Community Assessment Resource Center.

• Center for Children’s Law and Policy, Washington, D.C., $1.47 million to reduce disproportionate minority contact and racial and ethnic disparities in Models for Change core states.

• Chicago Urban League, $250,000 to support work on racial and ethnic disparities.

• Children and Youth Justice Center, Seattle, $1 million.

• Coalition for Juvenile Justice, Washington, D.C., $410,000 to support the Fourth Annual Models for Change conference.

• Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, Paxton, $300,000.

• Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, Springfield, $400,000.

• Justice Policy Institute, Washington, D.C., $54,000 to complete work on the Models for Change Web site redesign.

• Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, New Orleans, $200,000 in support of advocacy and public education.

• Lehigh County, Allentown, Pa., $300,000 to support diversion efforts.

• National Juvenile Defender Center, Washington, D.C., $1.43 million to provide training and technical assistance to state and local juvenile justice professionals and agencies in Models for Change states and to launch the Models for Change Juvenile Court Curriculum nationwide.

• National Juvenile Defender Center, Washington, D.C., $3.26 million to administer and manage the Juvenile Indigent Defense Action Network.

• Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, $356,000 to support the Children and Family Justice Center for coordinating Illinois’ participation in the Mental Health/Juvenile Justice Action Network.

• Policy Research, Delmar, N.Y., $1.28 million to provide training and technical assistance to the Models for Change states.

• Spokane County Juvenile Court, Spokane, Wash., $350,000 to create alternatives to formal processing and confinement for truant children.

• Technical Assistance Collaborative, Boston, $450,000 to provide training and technical assistance to improve the organization, financing and delivery of mental health services to juvenile justice-involved youth.

• University of Louisiana at Monroe, $385,000 to participate with the Fourth Judicial District Court as a model demonstration and replication site.

• University of Massachusetts at Worcester, $1.4 million to provide technical assistance and training for the National Youth Screening Assistance Project.

• University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, $225,000 to help representatives from Washington State Native American tribes develop strategies to address the needs of Native American children in the state and tribal juvenile justice systems.

Kresge Foundation
Troy, Mich.
(248) 643-9630

• Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco, $800,000 to renovate the Mission District Boys & Girls Club.

• Children’s Home Society of Florida – Treasure Coast Division, Ft. Pierce, $500,000 for a transitional living center for homeless youth aging out of foster care.

• Alternatives for Girls, Detroit, $225,000 to provide health, education, recreation and independent living skills to girls and young women in southwest Detroit.

• Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan, Farmington Hills, $15,000 for the Holden Club facility design proposal.

• Michigan’s Children, Lansing, $250,000 for general support.

• Think Detroit PAL, $400,000 for long-term neighborhood growth.

• Mississippi Children’s Home Services, Jackson, $460,000 for three 10-bed residential cottages.

• The Children’s Home of Cincinnati, $300,000 for the expansion and renovation of an adolescent services building.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Edinburg Rio Grande Valley, Texas, $800,000 for a new LEED certified multiservice center.

• Future Generations, Franklin, W.Va., $50,000 for planning costs associated with designing a green building.

• City Connect Detroit, $60,000 for a summer youth employment program.

• Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, Detroit, $225,000 to support the JA Financial Literacy NOW project to provide critical financial literacy education to economically disadvantaged middle school students in Detroit.

• Macomb Community College, Warren, Mich., $620,000 for participation in the Achieving the Dream Initiative.

Toyota USA
Torrance, Calif.
(800) 331-4331

• Academy for Educational Development, New York, $250,000 for a two-year math enrichment after-school program for 1,700 American Indian students, third through eighth grade in Wabanaki, Cherokee and Pueblo nations.

• The Children’s Aid Society, New York, $495,000 to help develop and implement the CAS Environmental Education Curriculum for fifth- and sixth-graders in two school districts.

• MK Level Playing Field Institute, San Francisco, $180,000 to support the Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Academy for 90 low-income, high-achieving students in the Bay Area.

• The After-School Corporation, New York, $250,000 for the NYC Environmental Conservation Heroes Award program, which is designed to inspire third- through eighth-grade children, especially girls and those of color, to become scientists through involvement in after-school environmental clubs.

Ben & Jerrry’s Foundation
South Burlington, Vt.
(802) 846-1543 ext. 7485

• Justice Works Community, Brooklyn, N.Y., $15,000 to support the Seven Neighborhood Action Partnership and its youth counterpart, Fighters for Justice, for working with community residents and increasing education about the Rockefeller Drug Laws.

• New Jersey Parents’ Caucus, Randolph, $14,500 to support the NJ Youth Justice Initiative, which seeks to protect juveniles against being tried and sentenced as adults, as well as to provide proper educational services to children in the adult prison system who may have mental health disabilities.

• Southern Californians for Youth, Los Angeles, $15,000 for general support of the organization, which strives to develop youth organizations and leaders for social justice.

• DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice, Brooklyn, N.Y., $1,000 to support “Imaging Ourselves,” an eight-week workshop for 10 women of color to study how mainstream media in America portray minority women.

• Eagle Eyes Community Organization, Manchester, N.H., $500 to help recruit young adults to paint wall and garage murals in order to create a sense of community pride and reduce graffiti.

• Indykids, New York, $2,000 to help hire a coordinator who will expand distribution of the publication, conduct media workshops for students and collaborate with various social justice organizations.

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