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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for July-August 2009

Lincoln Financial Foundation
Fort Wayne, Ind.

• Our Piece of the Pie, Hartford, Conn., $30,000 for the AmeriCorps program.

• Boys & Girls Club of Hartford, Conn., $100,000, to help children avoid alcohol, drugs and sexual promiscuity.

• Teach for America, New York, $100,000 to place recent college graduates in teaching positions at needy public schools in Philadelphia.

• Action Greensboro, N.C., $300,000 for programs aimed at promoting and recognizing academic excellence in the Guilford County school system.

• Guilford Education Alliance, Greensboro, N.C., $51,000 to build public understanding of education issues and to develop support for programs, teachers and students.

The following grantees are based in Fort Wayne, Ind.:

• Boys & Girls Club of Fort Wayne, $25,000 for technology-enhancement programs and to provide youths with tutoring and homework help.

• Early Childhood Alliance, $34,000 to provide early care and education to the children of homeless women living in a residential facility.

• Indiana University-Purdue University, $65,000 to help poor high school students earn college credits.

• Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, $100,000 to teach basic concepts of business and economics to students in northern Indiana.

• Literacy Alliance, $35,000 to foster family literacy.

New York Life

$25,000 each for model programs at these six New York nonprofits:

• Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, Bronx, for Education for Liberation.

• Brooklyn Young Mothers’ Collective, for Power Sisters Academy.

• Reciprocity Foundation, Manhattan, for Design Your Future.

• South Asian Youth Action, Queens, for academic and college preparation.

• Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York, Staten Island, for H.O.P.E.

• Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Teachers, Westchester County, for Mt. Vernon High School.

Other grants awarded:

• The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Affairs, Washington, D.C., $45,000 for scholarships that will fund semester-long internships for up to 11 college and university students.

• The Moyer Foundation, Seattle, $600,000 over three years for a nationwide expansion of Camp Erin, which provides bereavement services to youth.

• College for Every Student, Cornwall, Vt., $400,000 to help underserved Denver and Washington, D.C., youth increase their chances of going to college.

• Actuarial Foundation, Schaumburg, Ill., $40,000 to support the development of a personal finance literacy curriculum for teens.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, N.J.

• National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality, Boston, $3.2 million for mobilizing health care professionals as community leaders in the fight against childhood obesity.

• National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta, $1 million for evaluating the New York City day-care policy to prevent childhood obesity.

• Community Initiatives, San Francisco, $248,000 for implementing the Hungry for Change campaign for the documentary “Food, Inc.”

• University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, $73,969 for exploring the relationship between environmental factors and physical activity behavior in adolescent girls.

• Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn., $75,000 for evaluating the Healthy Tomorrows for Teens program.

• Florida State University Research Foundation, Tallahassee, Fla., $74,266 for assessing the level of attention paid to weight at well-child checks at a pediatric health center serving predominantly Latino farming families.

• University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, $75,000 for studying Mexican-American generational perceptions of healthy body types and the association between body type and physical activity in children.

• University of Utah, Salt Lake City, $74,041 to integrate Dance Dance Revolution to promote urban Latino school children’s physical health and academic achievement.

• Mathematica Policy Research, Washington, D.C., $122,524 for examining how school physical activity policies and food policy environments affect student outcomes of body mass index and obesity.

• University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health, Columbia, S.C., $75,000 for developing policy recommendations for physical activity in Latino children from a growing immigrant population in West Columbia, S.C.

• Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn., $74,064 to increase access to physical activity and use of community recreation centers by Latino families to reduce pediatric obesity.

• University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, $74,970 to identify effective strategies to encourage healthy behaviors that can reduce childhood obesity among rural Latino immigrant families.

• San Francisco State University, $71,935 for examining the success of physical education policies for Latinos in California.

• Research Foundation of State University of New York, Albany, $75,000 for assessing parental knowledge, attitudes and behavior related to children’s food consumption and preferences.

• University of Texas at San Antonio, $75,000 to explore the Latino faith-based communities’ perceptions and willingness to address the childhood obesity epidemic.

• University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, $99,999 for examining the role of street vendors in the after-school eating environment among elementary and middle school children in low-income neighborhoods.

Ford Foundation
New York

• Public/Private Ventures, New York, $500,000 for the Marginalized Men Crisis Intervention project to delay premature family formation and improve life outcomes among young men of color.

• Posse Foundation, New York, $950,000 to conduct research on higher education and to launch Posse Access, an online database designed to support students who are nominated for but not awarded Posse scholarships.

• Parents for Public Schools, Jackson, Miss., $200,000 to provide final support for collaborative efforts to integrate the arts into public education.

• Research Foundation of the City University of New York, $115,000 to evaluate Lehman College’s college initiative re-entry program for formerly incarcerated men and women.

• Miami Light Project, $125,000 to sustain its core artistic programs, including the Contemporary Performance Series, Here and Now, cultural exchanges and the Miami/Project Hip Hop.

• University of Massachusetts, Amherst, $200,000 for the Center for Public Policy and Administration to disseminate and promote a new framework for adolescent sexuality education among advocates, educators and the school nursing community.

• Massachusetts 2020 Foundation, Boston, $200,000 for the National Center on Time & Learning to promote the funding of extended learning time as part of education-related funding in the economic stimulus package.

• Hindsight Consulting, Raleigh, N.C., $100,000 for donor education and strategic civic engagement to nurture nontraditional philanthropic leadership among African-American young adults and donors of color in the southern United States.

• Equal Justice Works, Washington, D.C., $200,000 to educate law students and law school professionals on the College Cost Reduction and Access Act’s debt relief benefits for graduates entering public service.

• Equal Justice Society, San Francisco, $525,000 for work with academics, civil rights attorneys, policymakers and the media to build a civil and human rights agenda.

• ENACT, New York, $150,000 to provide final support for program development, evaluation and marketing of its integrated arts education program for New York City public schools.

• Columbia University, New York, $200,000 for the School of Social Work’s Fathers and Sons project to examine the influence of fathers on their sons’ engagement in violence, substance abuse and sexual activity.

• Child Care Services Association, Chapel Hill, N.C., $200,000 for the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood and Child Care WAGE$ Projects to improve the education, compensation and retention of the early childhood workforce.

• Workforce Alliance, Washington, D.C., $600,000 to promote public policies at the state and federal levels that support the training, advancement and economic security of low-wage workers and to monitor the stimulus package.

• Vera Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C., $250,158 to provide core support for the Prosecution and Racial Justice program to help district attorneys analyze the impact of race and ethnicity on prosecutorial decisions in criminal cases.

• The Brotherhood/Sister Sol, New York, $600,000 to provide black and Latino youth with the knowledge and resources to overcome and combat negative pressures related to poverty, drugs, violence, racism and miseducation.

• Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, San Francisco, $300,000 for the Asian American Educational Equity and Youth Rights Project for advocacy and public education concerning discrimination against Asian Americans in K-12 education.

• Arts Every Day, Baltimore, $300,000 for one-time general support to strengthen learning by making arts education and cultural experiences an integral part of the education of all Baltimore city students.

• Advancement Project, Washington, D.C., $250,000 to develop and disseminate innovative ideas and pioneer models that inspire and mobilize a broad national racial justice movement to achieve universal opportunity and a just democracy.

• Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., $2 million for the New Voices Fellowship Program to cultivate new leadership in the field of human rights.

• Urban Justice Center, New York, $50,000 for the Working Group on Sex Work and Human Rights to promote a social justice approach to sex work and trafficking.

• Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio, Cleveland, $300,000 for strategies to integrate the arts into the classroom practices of public schools in the Cleveland Municipal School District.

• WITNESS, New York, $100,000 for its worldwide human rights video advocacy programs.

• Columbia University, New York, $600,000 to enable the Center for Community Health and Education to increase access to high-quality community-based sexual health services for adolescent and young adult males in Harlem and Washington Heights.

• New York University, $220,000 for the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education to pilot its Broader, Bolder Approach Campaign, combining school improvement with health care, after-school programs and other services, in Newark, N.J.


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