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Afterschool Workforce Development Strategies: From Recruitment to Career Pathways


Children Now


After-school workforce development projects that focus their outreach efforts on specific demographics, like high school and college students, veterans and older adults, are achieving replicable success in California, according to a brief from Children Now.

In a state where 137,000 positions are available within the after-school workforce, these programs are partnering with community-based organizations, school districts and other agencies and organizations to provide recruitment, pre-training and placement opportunities and address local workforce development needs, the brief states.

Potential funds identified by the brief include: the Workforce Investment Act Funds, CalGRIP (Gang Reduction, Intervention, and Prevention) grants and funds drawn from the AmeriCorps program. Future funding opportunities also include grants from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the brief states. Free, 12 pages. (510) 763-2444,


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