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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for June 2009

Nord Family Foundation
Amherst, Ohio
(440) 984-3939

• The Children’s Development Center, Amherst, Ohio, $40,000 for general operating support.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Lorain County, Oberlin, Ohio, $75,000 for general operating support.

• Young Americans Center for Financial Education, Denver, $5,000 for International Towne, a financial literacy program for youth.

• Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands, Columbia, S.C., $40,000 for Project Learn, a literacy program.

• Save our Children of Elyria Inc., Elyria, Ohio, $12,000 for general operating support.

• Educational Service Center of Lorain County, Elyria, Ohio, $35,000 for Project Lead the Way, an engineering and biomedical sciences program.

• Adoption Network Cleveland, $25,000 for its capital campaign

•Power of the Pen, Richfield, Ohio, $25,000 for a pilot project in Lorain County to improve writing by middleschool students.

• Community Health Partners Regional Foundation, Lorain, Ohio, $30,000 for Families of Faith, a pilot project to prevent diabetes in minority youths.

• Women’s Shelter, Columbia, S.C., $20,000 for general operating support.

Eisner Foundation
Beverly Hills, Calif.
(310) 228-6808

Note: All grantees are based in Los Angeles.

• 826LA, $100,000 to provide after-school tutoring classes in low-income communities.

• Brese Foundation, $100,000 to support an after-school program for at-risk youth.

• LA Scores, $100,000 to support an after-school program that combines creative writing, soccer and community service.

• Junior Blind of America, $100,000 to provide academic, health and social enrichment services in an after-school program for children who are blind or visually impaired.

• Our Savior Center, $240,000 to support an integrated after-school program of tutorial assistance for youth involved in the Kids Campus program.

• California Institute of the Arts, $1.25 million to support the Community Arts Partnership, which provides new media arts education programs to local youth.

• Los Angeles County High School for the Arts Foundation, $225,000 to support a tuition-free, conservatory-style arts instruction program.

• Alliance for Children’s Rights, $300,000 to support a special education program that helps provide services and advocacy for foster children with disabilities.

• Boys Town California, $150,000 to provide general support.

• House of Ruth, $150,000 to support the Child Abuse Treatment program.

• Public Counsel, $200,000 to provide foster youth with transitional and independent living plans and services.

• A Better L.A., $100,000 to support the Summer Night Lights program, a gang reduction and youth development program.

• Kidspace Children’s Museum, $100,000 to provide general support.

• Teach for America, $300,000 to support the Los Angeles operations of the national organization to place new teachers in underserved schools in the Los Angeles Unified and Lynwood School Districts.

• Young Storytellers Foundation, $75,000 to support an in-school mentoring program in 30 participating elementary schools.

• Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, $30,000 to build the capacity of an organization that donates new and refurbished instruments to community youth music groups.

• Rio Hondo Temporary Home, $25,000 to support a program that helps homeless children attain developmental milestones.

• Saint Anne’s Foundation, $250,000 to provide infants and toddlers at the Early Learning Center opportunities for healthy growth and development.

Packard Foundation
Los Altos, Calif.
(650) 948-7658

• Arkansas Advocates for Children, Little Rock, $200,000 to ensure that all Arkansas children have health insurance by 2010.

• Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California, Los Angeles, $180,000 for policy analysis and public education on public health insurance programs for children in low-income immigrant families in California.

• Bay Area Partnership, Oakland, Calif., $250,000 to develop the Summer Practice Consortium to support expansion of after-school programs into summer enrichment programs

• CBEE Foundation, Sacramento, Calif., $125,000 to research the impact of preschool and kindergarten programs on future student achievement.

• Child and Family Policy Center, Des Moines, Iowa, $220,000 to ensure that all Iowa children have health insurance by 2010.

• Children’s Alliance, Seattle, $220,000 to ensure that all Washington children have health insurance by 2010.

• Children’s Defense Fund, Bellaire, Texas, $220,000 to ensure that all Texas children have health insurance by 2010.

•Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, Denver, $220,000 to ensure that all Colorado children have health insurance by 2010.

• Fresno Healthy Communities Access Partners, Fresno, Calif., $53,405 to support efforts to expand health insurance coverage for children in the San Joaquin Valley.

• Government Action and Communication Institute, Fair Oaks, Calif., $80,365 to plan, develop and coordinate educational activities for new California legislators and their staffs on issues relating to children’s health insurance.

• Rhode Island Kids Count, Providence, $140,000 to ensure that all Rhode Island children have health insurance.

• United Way of Santa Cruz County, Capitola, Calif. $210,000 to build awareness and support among business owners for the expansion of health insurance for all children.

• Voices for Ohio’s Children, Cleveland, $200,000 to ensure that all children in Ohio have health insurance.

Wallace Foundation
New York
(212) 251-9700

• After School Matters, Chicago, $3 million to partner with the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services to improve the city’s tracking of the impact of after-school programming on children.

• Providence Afterschool Alliance (PASA), Providence, R.I., $2.61 million to launch a collaborative learning initiative between city public schools and out-of-school time (OST) providers, and for training and support of other OST organizations.

• Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C., $740,000 to promote high-quality OST nationwide, including teaching how to utilize federal stimulus funds.

Hearst Foundation
New York
(212) 586-5404

• Big Brother Big Sisters of St. Lucie County, Fort Pierce, Fla., $60,000 for the Jump into Reading initiative for underserved children.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, $150,000 toward the Literacy Initiative, with an emphasis on school-based programming.

• Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, $50,000 for the Archdiocesan Youth Employment Service program.

• Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., $100,000 for the Youth Development and Leadership Training program.

• Goddard-Riverside Community Center, New York, $80,000 for the renovation of the youth center.

• Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club, Bronx, N.Y., $100,000 for education and recreation programs for teenagers.

• New York City Mission Society, $80,000 for youth programming at the Minisink Townhouse community center.

• Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow, Brooklyn, N.Y., $80,000 for general operating support.

• Queens Community House, Forest Hills, N.Y., $75,000 for youth programs at the Pomonok Community Center.

• Youth Speaks, San Francisco, $50,000 to support Arts in Education programs.

• Young Audiences/New York, New York, $100,000 for general support.

Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651

• American Youth Policy Forum, Washington, D.C., $150,775 to educate policymakers on effective strategies for dropouts and disconnected youth.

• Jobs for the Future, Boston, $337,000 to create career paths for low-skilled people in high poverty areas.

• Jobs for the Future, Boston, $140,000 to continue a Michigan community college network.

• National Youth Employment Coalition, Washington, D.C., $300,000 to expand education options for disconnected youth.

• Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C., $100,000 for general operation support.

• Philadelphia Youth Network, $265,000 for the Philadelphia Youth Transitions Collaborative, which partners with the city to address the dropout crisis in public schools.

• Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, New York, $100,000 to fund a study on education organizing and academic improvement.

• Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Washington, D.C., $20,000 for the Youth Transition Funders Group, which supports programs that aid the transition from youth to adulthood.

• Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Los Angeles, $160,000 for a study aimed at improving college preparedness and reducing dropout rates in south Los Angeles high schools.

• Boston Private Industry Council, $225,000 for the Boston Youth Transitions Taskforce, which supports partnerships with the city to address the dropout crisis.

• Crim Fitness Foundation, Flint, Mich., $99,700 to support elite athlete training program and the CrimFit Youth Program.

• Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, Silver Spring, Md., $30,000 for general support.

• Michigan State Police, Flint, $7,831 to support the Michigan Youth Leadership Academy.

• Floyd McCree Theatre, Flint, Mich., $80,000 to support a year-round fine arts academy for Flint’s inner-city youth.

• Flint (Mich.) Cultural Center Corp., $18,130 for general operating support and to support the transfer of Flint Youth Theater to the Flint Institute of Music.

• Genesee Area Focus Fund, Flint, Mich., $775,500 for a program that arranges summer jobs for teens in Genesee County.

Surdna Foundation
New York
(212) 557-0010

• Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, $105,000 to support weekend programs that provide free visual arts classes to New York high school students.

• National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, N.M., $50,000 to fund free summer art institutes for youth.

• UBW, Brooklyn, N.Y., $15,000 to expand the Summer Institute program to include more teenage participation or to create a separate Summer Institute for Teens.

• Community Coalition of Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention, Los Angeles, $300,000 to lobby for South Los Angeles schools and to promote civic engagement among youth.

• Greater New Orleans Afterschool Partnership, $50,000 to create a web-based communication system to help youth locate resources in post-Katrina New Orleans.

• Philadelphia Student Union, $120,000 to expand high school-based leadership development programs.

• ROCA, Chelsea, Mass., $100,000 for a project to engage high-risk youth in community organizing efforts designed to reduce dropout rates.

• Youth Together, Oakland, Calif., $180,000 to support youth organizing by high school students in the East Bay of Northern California.

• Urban Justice Center, New York, $200,000 to strengthen the civic engagement of youth and other marginalized populations.

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