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Grants Awarded for May 2009

Annenberg Foundation
Radnor, Pa.
(610) 341-9066

• Boys & Girls Club of Los Angeles Harbor, San Pedro, Calif., $330,000 to expand the College Bound Program, which provides college preparatory assistance to youths in grades six through 12.

• Boys & Girls Club of Ventura, Calif., $75,000 for the Teen Supreme Outreach Program to provide a safe place for teens to gather for social and educational events.

• Jumpstart for Young Children, San Francisco, $100,000 for the Los Angeles Growth Initiative and other programs that provide early literacy training to preschool children in low-income communities.

• Los Angeles Conservation Corps, $250,000 for salary support for the alternative education program and to support the Los Angeles River Rangers project.

• New Visions Foundation, Santa Monica, Calif., $50,000 to find innovative ways to deliver high-quality education to as many underserved children as possible.

• Reach Out and Read, Boston, $50,000 for purchasing and distributing books to clinics in Los Angeles County, Calif., that provide children aged 6 months to 5 years with new books to read or have read to them at well-child visits.

• Youth Movement, Oakland, Calif., $125,000 to inspire disadvantaged urban youth ages 13 to 20 to engage in experiential learning, leadership opportunities and community development.

• Youth Radio, Culver City, Calif., $100,000 for the Youth Radio Los Angeles Bureau Advancing Flagship Journalism Initiatives Project, which provides media training and youth development services in East and South Los Angeles.

• Homeboy Industries, Los Angeles, $200,000 for the Solar Training Program, which helps at-risk former gang members find permanent jobs in the rapidly growing solar energy field.

• John Tracy Clinic, Los Angeles, $125,000 for the Parent/Infant Program, which helps parents become effective teachers to their deaf children.

• Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Santa Ana, Calif., $250,000 for construction of a residential center for abused, abandoned and neglected children.

• Sun Valley Adaptive Sports Program, Ketchum, Idaho, $250,000 to improve the quality of life through sports and recreation of people with disabilities.

• Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, $125,000 to provide free health services to low-income and medically underserved children and their families at shelters and other homeless service sites.

• Valley Family Center, San Fernando, Calif., $250,000 for the capital campaign of the mental health and education outreach organization.

Atlantic Philanthropies
New York
(212) 916-7300

• Center for Summer Learning, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, $486,000 to build a funding base for summer learning by managing a two-year public policy campaign.

• Communities in Schools national office, Alexandria, Va., $2.6 million to perform a national program evaluation.

• Food Research and Action Center, Washington, D.C., $2.8 million for general operating support.

• Foundations Inc., Moorestown, N.J., $2.3 million for professional development training aimed at improving out-of-school-time instruction.

• Harlem Children’s Zone, New York, $2.7 million to expand the Practitioners Institute by improving services for youth workers from the United States and abroad.

• U.S. Dream Academy, Columbia, Md., $2 million for general operating support.

• Voices for America’s Children, Washington, D.C., $100,000 for the Children’s Leadership Council, which creates a national policy agenda on youth issues.

• Developmental Studies Center, Oakland, Calif., $100,000 to develop summer learning curricula by adapting successful after-school curricula.

• Good Shepherd Services, New York, $350,000 to strengthen state and local youth advocacy by providing advocacy education.

• Impact Strategies, Washington, D.C., $250,000 to improve external communications capacity for the Forum for Youth Investment.

• Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, D.C., $270,000 to improve the distribution of best practice and effective policy for community schools.

• Vote Kids, Washington, D.C., $400,000 to build support for federal legislation aimed at closing the child investment gap.

• Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, $250,000 to conduct studies of the five middle schools in the Chicago Elev8 (formerly Services in Schools) initiative.

• Finance Project, Washington, D.C., $200,000 to develop financing strategies for youth service organizations.

• LaFrance Associates, San Francisco, $250,000 to conduct case studies of the middle schools in the Oakland Elev8 initiative.

• Public/Private Ventures, Oakland, Calif., $580,028 to increase communications capacity, policy coordination, technical assistance and support to Elev8 programs in New Mexico, Chicago, Oakland and Baltimore.

• University of Texas at El Paso, $510,000 to conduct case studies of the five middle schools participating in New Mexico Elev8.

Kresge Foundation
Troy, Mich.
(248) 643-9630

• Children’s Home + Aid, Chicago, $500,000.

• Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua, N.H., $500,000.

• Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, N.Y., $350,000.

• Kids Unlimited of Oregon, Medford, Ore., $600,000.

• United Negro College Fund, Fairfax, Va., $600,000.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Whatcom County, Bellingham, Wash., $350,000.

• Northeast Parent & Child Society, Schenectady, N.Y., $125,000.

• Children’s Environmental Health Network, Washington, D.C., $150,000.

Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3140

• Asia Society, New York, $7.75 million to expand the International Studies Schools Network, a national group of small, internationally focused secondary schools in urban, low-income and minority communities. The five-year grant will also fund a performance assessment for high school students.

• Aspire Public Schools, Oakland, Calif., $2.9 million to implement the Early College High School Program, which enables low-income and minority students in California to complete some college coursework while still in high school.

• Diploma Plus, Boston, $3.1 million to support small alternative high schools in four states that are designed to help over-age students graduate.

• EdVisions Schools, Henderson, Minn., $1.2 million to support the creation of 100 small high schools and to implement a new five-year plan for the national network of schools.

• IDEA Public Schools, Weslaco, Texas, $3.4 million to establish three new schools in high-need communities across the Rio Grande Valley, support students making the transition from middle school to high school, and assist the Texas High School Project in developing a statewide tracking system.

McKnight Foundation
(612) 333-4220

• Alliance of Early Childhood Professionals, Minneapolis, $100,000 to support a training curriculum for immigrant and family, friends and neighbor childcare providers.

• Family Alternatives, Minneapolis, $55,000 to support the Creating Ongoing Relationships Effectively initiative.

• The Link, Minneapolis, $75,000 to support new headquarters for the organization, which serves homeless and runaway youth and youth at risk for homelessness.

• Minnesota 4-H Foundation, Minneapolis, $310,000 to support the Children and Youth Caucus, Youth Engagement Statewide Initiative, and Youth Community Connections.

• ServeMinnesota, Minneapolis, $90,000 for an early literacy initiative.

• Teach for America, New York, $300,000 to support the program in the Minnesota Twin Cities.

• Working Family Resource Center, St. Paul, Minn., $143,000 for the Early Learning Counts project and board training.

• Youth Link, Minneapolis, $140,000 for capital support for the Youth Opportunity Center.

• Indigenous Peoples Task Force, Minneapolis, $50,000 for a year-round enrichment program for Native American youth in the Phillips neighborhood.

• Camp Fire USA, Minnesota Council, St. Paul, Minn., $60,000 to support the East Side Network Café.

Philip Morris USA
Richmond, Va.
(800) 343-0975

• The Forum for Youth Investment, Washington, D.C., $1.46 million to support strategic planning and capacity building for the Ready by 21 Partnership.

• R.J. Caron Foundation, Wernersville, Pa., $2,642,211 for research and to expand a tobacco-cessation program for teenagers.

• National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, Md., $1.8 million for Health Rocks! – a program that promotes healthy living and tobacco prevention among youth.

• National 4-H Council, Chevy Chase, Md., $800,000 to develop a new website.

• Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Philadelphia, $7 million to promote mentoring, particularly for member organizations in the Southeast.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $2.5 million to reduce tobacco use by middle school students and to fund a study.

W.K. Kellog Foundation
Battle Creek, Mich.
(269) 968-1611

• Black Administrators in Child Welfare, Washington, D.C., $400,000 to promote racial equality and culturally appropriate child welfare services and programs.

• Bridge Over Troubled Waters, Boston, $32,500 to assist young people in securing jobs in the health care field by establishing a workforce development training program.

• Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, D.C., $227,500 to ensure that economically displaced people and Hurricane Katrina evacuees in the Mississippi Delta have access to employment in the construction trades.

• Community Catalyst, Boston, $400,000 to empower minority- and immigrant-led organizations to become politically active on issues that affect their communities.

• Detroit Hispanic Development Corp., Detroit, $110,000 to increase family literacy, support services and entrepreneurship skills for youth in southwest Detroit.

• Health Care Foundation of North Mississippi, Tupelo, $50,000 to provide health education for elementary and middle school students in northeastern Mississippi.

• Healthy Schools Campaign, Chicago, $200,000 to improve student wellness through school-based initiatives that promote healthy eating and exercise.

• Isaiah Institute, New Orleans, $400,000 to create a youth construction Workforce Development Program in New Orleans.

• Liberty’s Kitchen, New Orleans, $375,000 to support at-risk youth ages 16 to 20 through a program that teaches life, social and employability skills in a culinary setting.

• Milagro Foundation, San Rafael, Calif., $720,000 to support low-income communities in their development of healthy alternatives for children in the areas of food, nutrition and health.

Public Welfare Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 965-1800

• Texas Public Policy Foundation, Austin, Texas, $75,000 for The Center for Effective Justice’s Juvenile Justice Project.

• Vera Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C., $100,000 for a project to assist Washington, D.C., city government leaders in reforming the system of providing support for inmates leaving jail and re-entering society.

• Vera Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C., $200,000 for the Prosecution and Racial Justice Project, which helps district attorneys in three U.S. cities track decision-making in their offices that may suggest race or ethnicity bias.

• National Alliance of Faith and Justice, Washington, D.C., $150,000 to organize and mobilize African-American church leaders committed to progressive reform of the nation’s criminal justice system.

• Council of State Governments Justice Center, New York, $100,000 to help state and local government leaders and nonprofit organizations implement the Second Chance Act, which aids released prisoners who are re-entering society.

WalMart Foundation
Bentonville, Ark.
(800) 925-6278

• YouthBuild USA, Somerville, Mass., $5 million to expand enrollment and capacity, and provide low-income youths without diplomas the opportunity to graduate from high school.

• Gateway to College, Portland, Ore., $2,542,500 to expand the college access program for at-risk youth to four community colleges in Texas, South Carolina and New Jersey.

• American Association of Community Colleges, Washington, D.C., $2.5 million to fund workforce development programs at 20 community colleges nationwide.

• Hispanic Scholarship Fund, San Francisco, $3 million to fund college scholarships for low-income Hispanic-Americans.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $1.2 million to fund literacy tutoring programs nationwide.

• Scholarship America, Minneapolis, $500,000 for the DreamKeepers program, which provides funds for community college students facing sudden financial crises.

• National Guard Youth Foundation, Alexandria, Va., $250,000 to support the Youth ChalleNGe program, which assists students who have dropped out of high school in earning diplomas.

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