Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651
• YouthBuild USA, Somerville, Mass., $200,000 to provide students with opportunities for post-secondary education and job training in high-demand industries.
• Cleveland Botanical Garden, $125,000 to conduct a five-year evaluation of its Green Corps Urban Youth Program.
• Jobs for the Future, Boston, Mass., $100,000 to help local partners in Las Vegas, Philadelphia, and Portland, Ore., disseminate best practices in reducing the school dropout rate.
Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471
• Girls Inc. of Indianapolis, $300,000 for expansion of outreach services.
• Kids’ Voice of Indiana, Indianapolis, $545,000 for the Children’s Law Center.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, Indianapolis, $210,000 matching grant for operating support.
• Fathers and Families Resource Research Center, Indianapolis, $250,000 matching grant for operating support.
Lumina Foundation for Education
(317) 951-5300
• American Council on Education, Washington, D.C., $388,100 for use in the KnowHow2GO campaign, which prepares children in eighth through 10th grades for college.
• Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., $350,000 to work with three post-secondary education systems to increase the participation and success of disadvantaged students.
• Big Picture Company, Providence, R.I., $500,000 to develop a pilot program that increases the knowledge, applied skills and graduation rates of first-generation college students.
• City at Peace, New York, $247,400 to study and publicize the main factors behind City at Peace’s success in increasing rates of high school graduation and college enrollment.
• The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, $918,700 to establish the College Readiness Fund, a funding collaborative to improve and expand college access in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
• Harlem Children’s Zone, New York, $800,000 to strengthen the College Success Program.
• The Washington Monthly, Chevy Chase, Md., $885,000 for news analyses of such topics as the need to increase the U.S. college graduation rate, especially among underserved students.
• Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, Indianapolis, $750,000 to improve the college access and success rate for parents of youths in the Twenty-first Century Scholars Program, which aims to increase college access for low-income families.
• Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis, $650,000 to explore and support the educational success of black males in high school and college in Indiana.
• Innovations in Civic Participation, Washington, $500,000 for a community service model for at-risk youth and for integrating this program into the KnowHow2GO network.
• University of South Florida, Tampa, $50,000 for College Goal Sunday, a program that helps families apply for college financial aid.
• Southeastern Association of Educational Opportunity, Atlanta, $72,800 to implement College Goal Sunday.
• YMCA of the USA, Chicago, $271,200 to integrate College Goal Sunday in the National Council of YMCA.
• Iowa College Access Network, West Des Moines, $115,500 to implement College Goal Sunday.
• Minnesota Minority Education Partnership, St. Paul, $50,000 to continue College Goal Sunday.
• Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, Jackson, $150,000 to implement College Goal Sunday.
• New Jersey Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Lincroft, $50,000 to continue College Goal Sunday.
• Wisconsin Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Ripon, $50,000 to continue College Goal Sunday.
• LIFETIME, San Leandro, Calif., $150,000 to help low-income families gain access to and succeed in post-secondary education.
• New America Foundation, Washington, D.C., $450,000 to explore policy options for reforming state 529 college savings plans as a way to expand low-income families’ access to post-secondary education.
• Ohio College Access Network, Columbus, $42,000 to supply technical assistance to the KnowHow2Go state grantees.
• Ohio College Access Network, Columbus, $25,000 for grants to promote the KnowHow2Go campaign through local library partnerships.
• Schott Foundation for Public Education, Cambridge, Mass., $500,000 to initiate the Opportunity to Learn Campaign, a project focused on providing children with equal access to high-quality education.
• Tides Center, San Francisco, $530,000 to manage technical support for the Making Opportunity Affordable program, with the goal of graduating more college students.
• United Way of Central Indiana, Indianapolis, $423,600 to increase the number of youths in foster care who complete high school and pursue higher education.
• University System of Georgia, Atlanta, $500,000 to improve the retention and graduation of African-American males at the state’s universities.
• Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Boulder, Colo., $400,000 to study the process of student transfers between community colleges and four-year institutions.
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
Arlington, Va.
(703) 276-8240
• Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., $40,000 over two years for a joint project to develop a summer learning curriculum to help summer camps fully include youth with disabilities.
• Academy for Educational Development, Washington, $40,000 to support the Education Equity Center’s partnership with after-school programs and museums to develop the After-school Inclusive Math program.
• American Association of People with Disabilities, Washington, $30,000 to fund the Paul G. Hearne Leadership Award, recognizing outstanding young leaders in the disability field.
• American Association of People with Disabilities, Washington, $93,000 to fund the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation/AAPD Congressional Internship Program, which provides summer internships on Capitol Hill for college students with disabilities.
•Girl Scouts of the USA, New York, $50,000 for general support.
• Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital, Washington, $25,000 for the Include All Girls Initiative to develop tools and identify best practices for dissemination to councils throughout the U.S.
• Kids Included Together, San Diego, Calif., $72,000 for the development of a National Training Center on Inclusion, provide training to 10 national affiliates and support the maintenance of
• The Corps Network, Washington, $30,000 for the development and replication of an inclusive crew model that provides opportunities for youth with disabilities to engage in volunteer service and to develop leadership skills.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, N.J.
(888) 631-9989
$4.8 million in varying amounts to 21 faith-based coalitions for fighting childhood obesity through promotion of physical activity and access to healthy foods.
• Conference of Churches, Hartford, Conn.
• Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, Hatfield.
• New York City Coalition Against Hunger.
• Schenectady Inner City Ministry, N.Y.
• Camden City Garden Club, N.J.
• Texas Impact Education Fund, Austin, Texas.
• Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, Hernando, Miss.
• Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
• Hampton Roads Educational Telecommunications Association Inc., Norfolk, Va.
• Youth Empowered Solutions, Raleigh, N.C.
• Vernon J. Harris East End Community Health Center, Richmond, Va.
• St. Galilee Outreach Ministry, Sparta, Ga.
• Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago.
• Center for Closing the Health Gap in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio.
• Rosedale Development Association, Kansas City, Kan.
• University of Colorado at Denver.
• Healthy Communities, Oakland, Calif.
• Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Portland.
• San Diego State University Research Foundation
• Center for MultiCultural Health, Seattle.
• Guam SDA Ypao Church of the Guam Micronesia Missions.
Public Welfare Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 965-1800
• Coalition for Juvenile Justice, Washington, $50,000 for a survey of states’ compliance with the core requirements of the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.
• Family Justice, New York, $150,000 for general support.
• National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, Calif., $150,000 to assist in reform of juvenile justice systems in Arkansas and Wyoming by providing expert consultation and technical assistance to state government leaders.
• National Health Law Program, Los Angeles, $206,000 (over two years) to train juvenile justice practitioners to access Medicaid-funded community-based mental health services for youth in the juvenile justice system as alternatives to incarceration.
• Texas Public Policy Foundation, Austin, Texas, $75,000 to support The Center for Effective Justice’s Juvenile Justice Project.