Allstate Foundation
Northbrook, Ill.
(847) 402-5600
All grants are given to promote the economic empowerment of domestic violence survivors.
• Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, $55,000.
• Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, $52,000.
• Kentucky Domestic Violence Association, $100,000.
• Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, $80,000.
• New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence, $50,000.
• New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, $60,000.
• Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, $50,000.
• Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, $55,000.
• Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, $50,000.
George Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114
• City Year, Boston, $80,000 over two years for City Year Cleveland support.
• Esperanza Inc., Cleveland, $100,000 over two years for programming for Hispanic youth.
• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, D.C., $150,000 over two years for the Economic Security for Low-Income Families project.
• Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland, $50,000 over two years for the Y-Haven program.
• Cleveland Municipal School District, $50,000 for its Responsible Sexual Behavior Program.
• The Contemporary Youth Orchestra, Cleveland, $8,000 for Rock the Orchestra programming.
• Eleanor B. Rainey Memorial Institute, Cleveland, $10,000 for programming at Cleveland recreation centers.
• Ministers Council of the Cleveland Baptist Association, Shaker Heights, Ohio, $4,000 for Children Now: Transforming Cleveland communities for children in poverty.
Youth Action Net, Starbucks Social Entrepreneurs Fund
(410) 951-1500
All grants are from the 2008 Starbucks Social Entrepreneurs Fund. The size ranges from $5,000 to $15,000.
• HealthCare Volunteer, El Paso, Texas, for its “Teeth for Tots” program.
• OneChild, Ontario, Canada, for its “Break the Chains” campaign to raise international awareness and financial resources for children’s rights.
•, Washington, D.C., for two youth-led initiatives to develop an online Mobilizer’s Guidebook.
• Students of the World, Austin, Texas, for a multimedia website to showcase students’ documentary films/writing/photography.
Joyce Foundation
(312) 782-2464
• Children’s Home & Aid Society of Illinois, Chicago, $30,000 to inform policymakers and other stakeholders about critical issues confronting early childhood education.
• Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, Madison, $75,000 to conduct advocacy aimed at advancing public policies and increasing public investments in high-quality early education.
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, D.C., $200,000 for its national budget and policy analysis and for technical assistance to state-level advocates in the Midwest.
• Michigan League for Human Services, Lansing, $200,000 for ongoing policy analysis and advocacy on workforce and education policies.
• Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, St. Paul, $500,000 for the FastTRAC Initiative, which helps low-skilled adults obtain the post-secondary occupational credentials needed for most good-paying jobs.
• National Center on Education and the Economy, Washington, D.C., $200,000 to establish and manage a Senior Congressional Staff Network for Workforce Development and Economic Security.
• The Workforce Alliance, Washington, D.C., $1 million for its ongoing advocacy, policy analysis and organizing around state and federal workforce issues.
• Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, Chicago, $100,000 to benefit For Kids’ Sake: Safer Homes, Schools and Communities.
• The University of Chicago, $100,000 to support hiring for the Crime Lab, a center that will develop interventions to reduce youth gun violence.
Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471
• Asante Children’s Theatre, Indianapolis, $50,000 for capacity building.
• Indianapolis Art Center, $35,000 for its Beyond Perceptions and SMART (Supportive Mentoring through ART) programs.
• National Center for Youth Issues, Chattanooga, Tenn., $50,000 for the Midwest Healthy Choices for Youth Conferences.
• Stopover, Indianapolis, $50,000 for a Transitional Living Program federal grant match.
• Community Organizations Legal Assistance Project, Indianapolis, $50,000 for general operating support and a special initiative.
Murdock Trust
Vancouver, Wash.
(360) 694-8415
• America’s Foundation for Chess, Kirkland, Wash., $138,000 to serve more elementary students in the Pacific Northwest.
• Boy Scouts of America, Great Alaska Council, Anchorage, $400,000 to expand camping opportunities and develop the Denali High Adventure Scout Base.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of Whatcom County, Bellingham, Wash., $250,000 to expand in the Ferndale area.
• Camp Fire USA Juan de Fuca Council, Port Angeles, Wash., $92,000 for staff expansion to serve youth in rural communities.
• Camp Fire USA Portland Metro Council, Portland, Ore., $250,000 to upgrade the Camp Namanu water system and extend the program season.
• Camp Fire USA, Snohomish County Council, Everett, Wash., $100,000 for a new Camp Killoqua Lodge that will increase camper capacity.
• College Success Foundation, Issaquah, Wash., $270,000 for new development staff to expand the college scholarship program.
• Flying H Youth Ranch, Naches, Wash., $84,000 for a new classroom building to increase services to at-risk boys.
• IslandWood, Bainbridge, Wash., $400,000 for a campus expansion to increase outdoor education opportunities.
• Native American Youth and Family Center, Portland, Ore., $201,000 for school technology and science lab equipment.
• New Avenues for Youth, Portland, Ore., $250,000 for the purchase and renovation of a downtown facility.
• Northwest Family Services, Portland, Ore., $200,000 for a new service center for low-income and Hispanic youth.
• YMCA of the Inland Northwest, Spokane, Wash., $300,000 for a new North Spokane facility.
• Young Life, Colorado Springs, Colo., $176,000 for a ministry internship program.
• Young Men’s Christian Association of Boise, Idaho, $250,000 for new camp construction at Horsethief Reservoir.
• Young Men’s Christian Association of Idaho Falls, Idaho, $55,500 for a bridge replacement at Big Elk Creek Camp, to improve access.
• Young Women’s Christian Association of Salem, Ore. $150,000 for a new service center to provide life-skills training for women, girls and families.
• Youth Transition Network, Phoenix, $225,000 for a web communication pilot project to connect college freshman to student ministries.
Pew Trusts
(215) 575-9050
• National School Boards Association, Alexandria, Va., $447,000 to support high-quality pre-kindergarten for all children.
• Children’s Country Week Association, Downingtown, Pa., $32,000 in support of food costs for a residential summer camp program for low-income children.
• The Every Child Matters Education Fund, Washington, D.C., $200,000 to help promote universal preschool as part of an overall child-investment package.
• Lutheran Children and Family Service of Eastern Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, $102,000 to provide information, referrals and mental health counseling to immigrants and refugees.
• Child Care Services Association, Chapel Hill, N.C., $300,000 to help states increase the demand for and supply of highly qualified pre-kindergarten teachers with four-year college degrees.