The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3100
• Lakeside School, Seattle, $4 million for general operating support.
• Washington Alliance for Better Schools, Bothell, $28,250 to support volunteer parent mentors in their pursuit of a post-secondary certificate in family support studies.
• St. Monica School, Dallas, $112,865 to support renovation of the middle school’s science labs.
• Human Solutions, Portland Ore., $400,000 to support a capital campaign for a multiservice center to provide education and economic services to low-income and homeless families.
• Summer Search Foundation, Seattle, $375,000 to support a project to improve recruitment and retention from South Seattle area schools.
• University Child Development School, Seattle, $6,490 for general operating support.
• Pride Foundation, Seattle, $370,000 to support nonprofit organizations working with LGBTQ youth in Washington state and in Portland, Ore.
• Camp Fire USA Portland Metro Council, Oregon, $375,000 to support a sustainability plan for out-of-school-time programs in Portland Public Schools.
• Dynamic Family Services, $150,000 to support a capital campaign to provide therapy services for youth with developmental delays and disabilities.
• Seattle Foundation, $400,000 to support initiatives to close the school preparedness gap for low-income children of color whose home language is not English.
• YouthBuild USA, Somerville, Mass., $3 million to support programs that test and institutionalize interventions for low-income youth who have dropped out of school.
• Youth Venture, Arlington, Va., $24,550 to evaluate the impact of the Tu Voz My Venture project on Latino youth participants’ education goals, life skills and engagement.
• Seattle Education Access, $100,000 to support an academic program for low-income youth.
• American Friends Service Committee, Seattle, $75,000 to support a leadership program focused on social justice issues for low-income youth.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of Whatcom County, Wash., $275,000 to support a capital campaign for the Ferndale Club.
• National Center for Educational Attainment, $250,000 to support the Data Quality Campaign, which addresses the issue of linking education data with other child-centered information systems, such as welfare and health.
• America’s Promise Alliance, Washington, $2.2 million to help convene dropout prevention summits, which address the high school dropout crisis.
• Child Care Resources, Seattle, $915,664 to support the White Center Early Learning Initiative, which provides child development and family support services.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of South Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash., $800,000 to support a capital campaign for the Tacoma HOPE Center.
• City Year, Seattle, $275,000 to support youth development programs.
• Share Our Strength, Washington, D.C., $53,000 to develop a plan to end childhood hunger in Washington state.
• Juvenile Rights Project, Portland, Ore., $380,000 to support an academic program for court-involved youth and children.
• YouthCare, Seattle, $360,000 to support educational and work force programs for homeless and other at-risk youth.
WK Kellog Foundation
Battle Creek, Mich.
(269) 968-1611
• Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, $350,000 to improve learning outcomes for children in Mississippi by strengthening services, practices, resources and policies.
• Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts, Michigan, $150,000 to enhance arts-education programming for southwest Michigan at-risk children and teens.
• Kalamazoo Nature Center, Michigan, $54,875 to provide funds to promote interest, awareness, and support of the Leave No Child Inside movement among the public and policymakers.
• Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance, Denver, $399,899 to create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success by continuing and sustaining the work of the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance network.
• Plymouth Educational Center, Detroit, $60,000 to provide a college and career preparatory high school in the Northend and Woodward corridor of Detroit by renovating the Youthville Detroit facility.
• Viewpoint Learning, San Diego, $20,000 to develop new vehicles for civic engagement to create broad, community-wide civic dialogues.
Atlantic Philanthropies
New York
(212) 916-7300
• Family Centre, Paget, Bermuda, $850,000 to provide general operating support and to cover some costs of the Charities House, a collaborative effort of Bermudian nonprofits.
• Queen’s University of Belfast Foundation, Belfast, Northern Ireland, $2.2 million to develop a world class center for children’s research.
• Business in the Community Northern Ireland, London, U.K., $355,005 to complete the evaluation of the “Time to Read” program.
• Family Planning Association, London, $54,736 to study the gaps in sexual health, information, education and clinical services for disadvantaged adolescents in Ireland.
• Clondalkin Partnership, Dublin, $773,000 to support the “Functional Family Therapy” program.
• Irish Childcare Policy Network, Dublin, Ireland, $748,000 for general operating support.
• Center for Summer Learning, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, $486,000 to build a funding base for summer learning by managing a two-year public policy campaign.
• Communities In Schools national office, Alexandria, Va., $2.6 million to improve the quality of services by conducting a national program evaluation.
• Food Research and Action Center, Washington, $ 2.8 million for general operating support.
• Foundations Inc., Moorestown, N.J., $2.3 million to improve the quality of out-of-school-time instruction by providing high-quality professional development.
• Harlem Children’s Zone, N.Y., $2.7 million to the Practitioners Institute for improving training services for youth practitioners.
• U.S. Dream Academy, $2 million for general operating support.
• Voices for America’s Children, Washington, $100,000 to support the Children’s Leadership Council, which establishes a policy agenda to serve children and youth.
• Developmental Studies Center, Oakland, Calif., $200,000 to develop high-quality summer learning curricula by adapting successful after-school curricula.
• Good Shepherd Services, New York, $350,000 to strengthen state and local advocacy by youth intermediaries by providing advocacy education.
• Impact Strategies, Washington, $250,000 to enhance the Forum for Youth Investment’s external communications capacity.
• Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, $270,000 to improve the dissemination of best practice and effective policy for community schools.
• Vote Kids, Washington, $400,000 to close the child investment gap by building support for federal legislation.
• Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, $250,000 to conduct school experience studies in the five middle schools in the Chicago Elev8 initiative (formerly the Integrated Services in Schools initiative).
• Finance Project, Washington, $200,000 to develop sustainable financing strategies for integrated and full-service youth organizations.
• LaFrance Associates, San Francisco, $250,000 to conduct case studies of the middle schools in the Oakland Elev8 initiative.
• Public/Private Ventures, Oakland, Calif. $580,028 to provide capacity-building communications and policy coordination, technical assistance and support.
• University of Texas at El Paso, $510,000 to conduct case studies of the five middle schools in New Mexico Elev8.