► Reports

Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviors among Teen and Young Adult Men: A Descriptive Portrait

Child Trends

Almost two-thirds of sexually experienced males ages 15 through 24 report they did not receive any reproductive health services, as opposed to the majority of females in the same age group who said they did. This brief emphasizes the importance for men of learning to make responsible sexual decisions and being tested for sexually transmitted infections – especially since young men are more likely to think of condoms as a way to prevent pregnancy than as a way to prevent disease. About one in 10 young males under age 24 become fathers, mostly due to unplanned pregnancies. These young fathers are less likely than other fathers to marry the mother of their child, and more likely to have lower educational attainment and earnings, which hurts their children’s chances at social mobility. Free, 8 pages. (202) 572-6000, www.childtrends.org/Files/Child_Trends-2008_10_07_RB_MaleRepro.pdf.



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