The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651
•Southern Education Foundation, Atlanta, $140,000 for the Education Summers Youth Leadership Initiative, to provide 15 college students experience in the fields of education, work force preparedness and economic growth.
•Brandon Roberts and Associates, Chevy Chase, Md., $200,000 for the Working Poor Families Project, which strengthens state policies that support the economic advancement of low-income families.
•Mott Community College, Flint, Mich., $700,000 to enable the staff to provide a more in-depth response to requests to share its instructional model and innovative curriculum for high school students.
•AMVETS National Service Foundation, Lanham, Md., $75,000 to implement an action plan to address the employment and work force needs of young veterans.
•Brown University, Providence, R.I., $80,000 for low-income parents to get more engaged in school improvement and school reform efforts.
•Harlem Children’s Zone, New York, $300,000 for a pilot program for black and Latino males to improve outcomes of poor children and their families in Harlem.
•United Way of Genesee County, Flint, Mich., $250,000 to fund community programs for youth development, including the Bridges to the Future after-school program.
•LA’s Best, Los Angeles, $300,000 for after-school programs that serve 26,000 children at no cost to parents.
•Afterschool Alliance, Washington, $50,000 to provide a way for local African-American young adults to refine their acting, dancing and musical talents.
•Genesee Area Focus Fund, Flint, Mich., $775,000 to implement the Summer Youth Initiative.
•Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., $100,000 for the reform of public education in low-income communities.
•Community Foundation for the National Capital Region, Washington, $27,500 to support the Youth Transitional Funders Group, which works to improve the transition of youth into adulthood.
•Family Service Agency of Mid Michigan, Flint, Mich., $170,000 for children and family services for low-income families.
•Commonwealth Corp., Boston, $250,000 to enhance the Diploma Plus Project, which reconnects dropouts and students to education and employment options.
•MDRC, New York, $15,000 for interviews to evaluate the Vulnerable Youth portfolio.
•Corporation for Enterprise Development, Washington, $25,000 to host the 2008 Assets Learning Conference, which aims to improve financial security for all Americans.
•Center on Education Policy, Washington, $200,000 to support Rethink Federal Aid to Elementary and Secondary Education.
•Synergy Enterprises, Silver Spring, Md., $300,000 to support 21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Institute for expanded learning opportunities outside of regular school hours.
•Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, $200,000 to support Coalition for Community Schools to develop and maintain local schools.
•Boys & Girls Club of Greater Flint, Mich., $16,132 to support the Early Bird program, a daily program for children of working parents.
•Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $75,000 for the State Fiscal Policy Conference to discuss budgets and tax policies that affect public programs aiding low- and ChalleNGe moderate-income families.
•MDRC, New York, $300,000 to support National Guard Youth Program evaluation to examine the long-term effects of promising youth-serving programs.
•Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, Albany, N.Y., $250,000 to support Alliance for Quality Education: Statewide Education Financing Reform.
•Council of Michigan Foundations, Grand Haven, Mich., $50,000 to support Michigan Individual Development Account Partnership.
•Flint Area Specialized Employment Services, Flint, Mich., $85,000 to support Flint STRIVE Academy Summer Youth Project, an employment program for disadvantaged teens.
The Nord Family Foundation
Amherst, Ohio
(440) 984-3939
•Artists for Humanity, Boston, $25,000 to support the arts program for inner-city youth.
•Community Music Center of Boston, $7,000 to support the Intensive Study Project for inner-city youth.
•The MAD• Factory, Oberlin, Ohio, $55,000 to support theater arts programming.
•Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland, $30,000 for the Lorain County Arts Education Programs 2008-09.
•DenverWorks, $10,000 to support job preparation and placement services.
•Towards Employment, Cleveland, $20,000 to support the Achieve Program, a job training and supportive initiative for entry-level workers.
•Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lorain County, Lorain, Ohio, $35,000 for general operating support.
•Heart of Ohio Council – Boy Scouts of America, Ashland, $15,000 to support the Scoutreach program.
•Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Denver, $25,000 to support the Health Outreach Program.
•Family Advocacy, Care, Education, Support, Denver, $15,000 for the Home Visitation Program.
•The Guidance Center, Cambridge, Mass., $15,000 to support the Early Childhood Developmental Screening Services.
•Lorain County Office on Aging, Elyria, Ohio, $10,000 to support the Kinship Caregiver Program.
•Massachusetts Advocates for Children, Boston, $25,000 to support the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative.
•Merrick House, Cleveland, $10,000 for the Female Youth Mentoring Program.
•North Ridgeville Community Care, Ohio, $11,000 to support the Children’s Program.
•Parent Pathways, Denver, $25,000 for support services at the Florence Crittenton School.
•The Salvation Army, Elyria, Ohio, $25,000 to support youth programs.
The Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114
•Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Cleveland, $27,250 for program impact evaluation.
•United Labor Agency, Cleveland, $65,000 for the Youth Voices program.
•Adoption Network Cleveland, $200,000 (over two years) for the Adopt Cuyahoga’s Kids initiative.
•Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland, $10,000 for the SMART Moves program.
•Community Re-Entry, Cleveland, $30,000 for Women’s Re-Entry Network.
•Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners, Cleveland, $10,000 for an Invest in Children consultant.
•Kent State University Foundation, Ohio, $100,000 for the merger of the Center for Innovative Practices and the Institute for the Study and Prevention of Violence.
•Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center, Covington, Ky., $40,000 for program support.
•Voices for Ohio’s Children, Cleveland, $100,000 for operating support.
•Center for Community Change, Washington, $80,000 (over two years) for the Coalition on Human Needs initiatives.
•Advocates for Youth, Washington, $10,000 for a concept paper on the future of sex education in America.
•Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio, Cleveland, $125,000 to support Art is Education.
•Alliance for Justice, Washington, $150,000 (over two years) for the Nonprofit Advocacy Project and Foundation Advocacy Initiative.
•Cuyahoga Community College Foundation, Cleveland, $9,000 for the Youth Services Plus program.
The New York Community Trust
New York
(212) 686-0010
•After-School Corp., New York, $160,000 to help after-school programs in Queens improve the leadership skills of teens.
•Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies, New York, $200,000 to help community agencies deal with the new application process for city child welfare contracts.
•Groundwork Inc., New York, $100,000 to expand a leadership program for high school students who work with children in after-school and summer programs.
•Rocking the Boat, New York, $80,000 to expand a program that teaches youth in the South Bronx how to build and navigate wooden boats through the Harlem and Hudson Rivers.
•Corporation for Supportive Housing, Washington, $100,000 to help youth organizations develop supportive housing for youth recently released from foster care.
•Partnership for Children’s Rights, New York, $75,000 to provide tutoring, college application assistance and vocational assessment and training for students with disabilities.
•Teaching Matters, New York, $50,000 to improve the writing skills of middle school students.
•Children’s Defense Fund, New York, $70,000 to expand enrollment of poor children in state-funded health insurance.
Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471
•Indianapolis Children’s Choir, Indianapolis, $300,000 for general support.
•Young Audiences of Indiana, Indianapolis, $200,000 for general operating support and $50,000 for constituent survey research.
•Boy Scouts of America, Indianapolis, $5 million for the More Scouts, More Ways, More Impact program.
•Center Grove Educational Foundation, Indiana, $50,000 for the 2010 National Association of Student Councils Convention.
• Ivy Tech Foundation, Indianapolis, $1.3 million for a sustaining grant for the Initiative to Promote Opportunities through Educational Collaborations.
•Y-Press, Indianapolis, $285,000 for partial operating support and program expansion.
•Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Indianapolis, $250,460 for general operating support.