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Grants Awarded for August 2008

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Seattle, Wash.
(206) 709-3100

• National Network for Youth, Seattle, $7,489 for general support.

• United Way of King County, Seattle, $4,700 for general support.

• The Corps Network, Washington, $750,000 to fund development of a business plan and to support the Civic Justice Corps.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Whatcom County, Bellingham, Wash., $275,000 to support a campaign for the Ferndale Club.

• Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Kingston, Wash., $175,000 to fund a tribal youth center.

• Northwest Youth Services, Bellingham, Wash., $155,000 to support a therapeutic care program for low-income youth with developmental disorders.

• Save the Children Federation, Westport, Conn., $1 million to support emergency relief for victims of Myanmar cyclone Nargis.

• Urban Institute, Washington, $2.5 million to support an opportunity fund.

• Catholic Charities, Spokane, Wash., $500,000 to fund a campaign for a multi-service center.

• Population Resource Center, Washington, $250,000 to enlist the support of local foundations to reduce the undercount of children and minorities in the 2010 Census.

• Center for Effective Philanthropy, Cambridge, Mass., $344,000 to support the Student Voice Initiative.

• Nonprofit Information Networking Association, Boston, $30,000 to evaluate institutions that provide support services to the nonprofit and philanthropic institutions in the United States.

• City Year, Seattle, $14,400 for general operating support.

• Save the Children Federation, Westport, Conn., $34,000 for general support.

• Center for Career Alternatives, Seattle, $150,000 to fund academic achievement for recent immigrant youth.

• Young Women’s Christian Association of Seattle-King County-Snohomish County, Wash., $11,994 for general operating support.

MacArthur Foundation

Chicago, Ill.
(312) 726-8000

• Vera Institute of Justice, New York, $600,000 for data analysis and planning in Models for Change states.

• Northwestern University, Children and Family Justice Center, Chicago, $600,000 to support the Models for Change initiative.

• Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers, Pittsburgh, $613,000 to improve the quality of education for delinquent youth as part of the Models for Change initiative in Pennsylvania.

• Blueprint Research & Design, San Francisco, $550,000 to help build the field of digital media and learning.

• National Academy of Sciences Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Washington, $380,000 to support a workshop on the implications of cost-benefit methodology for the evaluation and design of early childhood interventions.

• Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, $285,000 to further the work of the Partnership for America’s Economic Success.

• Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, N.C., $200,000 for a survey of the value to the American public of reducing childhood poverty.

• University of California, Irvine, $750,000 to plan for a new research hub to build and sustain the field of digital media and learning and $220,000 to extend the Humanities Research Institute’s work to support the winners of the 2007 Digital Media and Learning Competition.

Kresge Foundation

Troy, Mich.
(248) 643-9630

Note: All Kresge funding goes to capital campaigns, green building projects, or “special grants” that provide “financial support intended to meet a broader range of capitalization needs.”

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest County, Temecula, Calif., $1 million.

• Resource Area for Teachers, San Jose, Calif., $275,000.

• Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Lake Worth, Fla., $250,000.

• The Nonprofit Quarterly, Boston, $130,000.

• The Chewonki Foundation, Wiscasset, Maine, $850,000.

• Children’s Aid Society, Detroit, $82,000.

• College for Creative Studies, Detroit, $260,000.

• First Children’s Finance, Minneapolis, $2 million.

• YMCA of Greater St. Louis, $530,000.

• Preterm, Cleveland, $47,500.

• Youth Villages, Memphis, Tenn., $3 million.

• Austin Children’s Shelter, Austin, Texas, $700,000.

• Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas, $850,000.

• The Children’s Museum of Houston, $1 million.

• Boys & Girls Clubs of King County, Seattle, $1 million.

• Child Care Resources, Seattle, $900,000.

• Family Services of King County, Seattle, $950,000.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Princeton, N.J.
(877) 843-7953

• San Diego State University, $100,000 for the International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods.

• Praxis Project, Washington, $1.1 million for the Communities Creating Healthy Environments program.

• Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, $35,000 to support Head Start.

• University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas Center for Health Improvement, Little Rock, $75,000 to plan the RWJF Center to Prevent Childhood Obesity.

• Advertising Council, New York, $399,720 to establish a coalition for healthy children.

• University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, $1.4 million for the RWJF’s Healthy Eating Research program.

• Texas A&M University System Health Science Center Research Foundation, College Station, $417,030 for the RWJF’s Active for Life program.

• Save the Children Federation, Washington, $99,429 for an advocacy campaign to prevent childhood obesity in rural communities.

• Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, New Haven, Conn., $398,720 to assess the full impact of food marketing on children and $34,899 for physical activities in preschools in Connecticut.

• New York University, $34,967 to evaluate New York City group day cares to assess policy implementation.

• University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Seattle, $34,925 to assess physical activity in family day care homes.

• University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, $35,000 to develop a self-report instrument to assess physical activity environments of child care settings.

• Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, $149,806 for the environmental evaluation of physical activities among African-American families of different incomes.

• PolicyLink, Oakland, Calif., $50,000 for PolicyLink’s workshop to prevent childhood obesity.

• Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, $199,753 for a pilot evaluation of a walking school bus program for elementary school students.

• United Way of Greater St. Louis, $50,000 for the Healthy Young Partnership’s program expansion in St. Louis and the Metro East region.

• University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, $99,937 to evaluate environments for activity in a Northern Plains Tribe.

• University of Illinois at Chicago, $740,150 for a national study of school district policies and elementary school practices addressing childhood obesity.

• University of Houston College of Education, $150,000 to study urban Hispanic perceptions of environment and activity among kids.

• Youth Venture, Arlington, Va., $1.2 million to invest in youth-led social change in vulnerable communities.

• University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, $3 million for the Chicago Project for Violence Prevention model.

• Sports4Kids, Oakland, Calif., $4.4 million for national expansion.

• Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, $149,914 for helping teens overcome substance abuse and crime.

• Louisiana Public Health Institute, New Orleans, $838,544 for a mental health care capacity building and to implement treatment models in New Orleans primary care settings.

• University of Maryland, College Park, School of Public Health, $82,773 to conduct an intimate partner violence intervention for young, high-risk minority employees in a retail department store.

• Center for Children’s Advocacy, Hartford, Conn., $255,015 to expand legal advocacy for immigrant and refugee children to increase access to education and health services.

Lumina Foundation
(317) 951-5300

• Ball State University, Muncie, Ind., $5,600 for the Guardian Scholars program to increase postsecondary enrollment and graduation rates of former foster youth.

• Central Indiana Community Foundation, Indianapolis, $55,000 for the Persistence Fund to support the non-tuition needs of low-income Marion County college students.

• Central Indiana Community Foundation, Indianapolis, $2.7 million for the College Readiness Fund to improve college access in Marion County

• State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana, Indianapolis, $82,000 to implement the Indiana College Access Provider Certification Program, part of the KnowHow2GO campaign.

• The Mind Trust, Indianapolis, $425,000 to increase college access by expanding the College Summit model.

• Trustees of Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., $50,000 for five social entrepreneurship summer 2008 internships.

• Native Americans in Philanthropy, Minneapolis, $7,500 for the 2008 Gathering of Native Americans in Philanthropy event.

• Council on Foundations, Arlington, Va., $10,000 to provide scholarships for emerging philanthropy leaders to attend the 2008 Philanthropy Summit.

• Rural Community College Alliance, $5,000 for its 7th Annual Conference.

Gund Foundation
(216) 241-3114

• City Year, Boston, $40,000 for Cleveland corps member support.

• E City, Cleveland, $25,000 for youth entrepreneurship education programs.

• Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Columbus, $80,000 for operating support.

• Advocates for Youth, Washington, $50,000 for a comprehensive sexuality education policy project.

• Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, Silver Spring, Md., $30,000 for operating support.

• Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families, $5,000 for an annual conference.

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